Green Eyes

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Alina's absence casted a lingering shadow over my days, each morning revealing the emotionless faces of guards who replaced her, delivering tasteless meals that mirrored the emptiness within.

The plate of food sat untouched as I went to my favorite refuge—drawing. My pencil, like a magical wand, conjured a vivid world that I dreamed to be in. Swings swayed under a golden sun, and lively voices hummed in the air, transporting me to realms I had only encountered in the pages of books. Yet, as the nights wore on, my sketches began to transform. No longer just a portal to another world, they became an escape—a depiction of myself in an alternate reality, free and unrestrained.

In the quiet moments before sleep claimed me, my pencil traced delicate lines, creating a world where I was not just an observer but a participant. I drew scenes of a life beyond my room, where love unfolded like the stories I devoured—embraces under starlit skies, stolen glances that spoke volumes, and a husband whose eyes held the promise of a future.

Exhaustion came over me, and I retreated to bed. I found myself wanting not just for freedom, but for the kind of love that spilled from the books. I wanted—an intoxicating, all-encompassing love that would pull me from this prison.

As I closed my eyes, I started to dream, and a figure materialized in the dimly lit space, green eyes emerged, captivating my senses with an intensity that transcended the usual haze of fantasy. It was as if the dreamscape had forged a bridge between the ethereal and the tangible, blurring the lines between the waking world and the subconscious.

The allure of those green eyes, which I had encountered countless times in my dreams, took on a newfound realism. They no longer belonged solely to the landscapes of my mind but seemed to breach the boundaries of imagination, reaching out to me with a touch that felt almost palpable. In this encounter, the familiarity of those eyes became a lifeline, pulling me deeper into a world where the shackles of captivity melted away, replaced by the embrace of freedom.

Yet, the enchantment shifted as an unexpected darkness enveloped my consciousness. A chill coursed through me, a foreign sensation—a cool liquid seeping through my veins. The room blurred, and the figure dissolved into shadows.

In the initial moments, I believed those green eyes were part of my dream—a manifestation of the love I wanted. It was a beautiful illusion, a scenario I had woven in my sketches. But reality shattered that illusion, as the dream turned into an unsettling descent into the unknown, the captivation of the green eyes revealing a much darker truth. The realization struck me in those final moments before unconsciousness took over—the green eyes were not the embrace of love; they were the harbingers of my kidnapper.


As I stirred awake, the gentle murmur of a hushed voice enveloped me. The room was dimly lit, an unfamiliar shadow dancing on the walls. My consciousness swiftly returned to the present—the memories of being taken from my room still fresh.

A voice reached my ears, speaking in excitement.

"I can not believe the prophecy of the hidden princess might be true!"

His words were a reminder of my identity, and I listened with a composed demeanor. The room held a mix of anticipation and respect, leaving me curious about the significance of what he was talking about.

The room fell silent, and the boy's eyes widened in surprise as he noticed me waking up. He approached with a kind smile, "Good morning, Princess. I'm Samuel."

I hesitated, my gaze flickering between Samuel and the door. The room felt alien, and the shadows seemed to hold secrets I couldn't grasp. A sudden surge of fear and desperation gripped me, compelling me to make a run for it.

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