The Princess and Her Dagger

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Before anyone spoke, I couldn't help but notice the shock in Samuel's eyes and the look of indifference in Caius's expression. Samuel, standing nearby, was visibly taken aback. "It makes so much sense," he exclaimed, the realization settling in. "This is a significant step in proving the legitimacy of the prophecy."

Caius, however, looked unfazed, his features unreadable. "So," he said, turning to me, "are you on board with this?"

I met his gaze with determination. "I want to do what's right. I'll go on this journey with you," I affirmed.

Caius nodded, acknowledging my decision. "Before we start, there's a path we need to pass," he explained. "It's not an easy journey, and we'll face challenges. We're not just dealing with your kingdom; it's three distinct kingdoms, each with their own challenges we need to pass before getting to the psychic.

The first kingdom, Arvendell, is a place of magic," he said. "It's a realm filled with enchanted forests, where mythical creatures roam freely, and unpredictable magic is the norm. The air is thick with mystical energies, and the very fabric of reality can shift around you. It's a place where illusions and traps are commonplace, so we need to be cautious and alert at all times."

Samuel chimed in, adding more detail to the description of the second kingdom, Eldoria. "Eldoria is a land ruled by werewolves, where the nights are particularly perilous, and the moon holds significant power," he explained. "The werewolf hierarchy is led by Alpha Fenris, a formidable ruler known for his cunning strategies and ruthless nature. The moon's influence isn't just symbolic here; it plays a crucial role in their society. The werewolves' strength and abilities are heightened during the full moon, making those nights even more dangerous."

Caius took over, his voice hushed as he described the third kingdom, Necropolis. "Necropolis is a desolate place filled with the echoes of ancient secrets, guarded by the flickering souls of the departed. The air is heavy with the scent of decay, and the ghosts that roam here are mere echoes of the lives they once led, running along the ethereal corridors with a sense of purpose but lacking the ability to inflict harm."

He continued, emphasizing the significance of Necropolis in our quest. "This kingdom is the key to reaching the dimension where the psychic was banished. There are rumors, whispers passed down through generations, about Necropolis holding the gateway to a realm unknown. But nobody knows for sure what it holds in store, or if it even exists. It's a mystery we must unravel to move forward in our journey."

I sat there, my mind reeling from the immense information thrown at me all at once. The intricacies of the prophecy, Caius being the Green Knight, and now the mysterious different dimension—it was a lot to absorb.

Samuel, noticing my state of shock, gently asked, "Evelina, are you okay?"

I took a moment to make sense of it all before responding, "It's a lot, but it doesn't stop me from wanting to make a change."

Caius nodded in approval. "Good," he said. "We don't have much time. "I'm going to pack a couple of bags for us." He left the room, leaving me alone with Samuel.

Samuel looked at me with concern. "Evelina, this is a lot to process. Are you sure you are fine?"

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of everything. "It's overwhelming, for sure. But I've been trapped in a castle all my life, oblivious to the reality around me. Now that I know, I can't turn away. I have to try and change things."

He nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "It won't be easy, Evelina. But I'm here for you."

I appreciated Samuel's support. "Thank you, Samuel. It means more than you know."

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