A Forest so Green

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Evelina walked ahead of me, as a silent silhouette in the dimly lit streets. Both of us were dressed head to toe in black, our figures blending into the shadows of the night. Hoods were pulled low over our faces, concealing our features to further hide our appearance. The careful choice of attire was intentional, a strategy to blend seamlessly into the night and remain concealed from the guards.

Yet, Evelina could not be hidden even if she tried. Her movements, precise and quiet, should have been the epitome of discretion, but my mind betrayed me. The way her body moved, even in the darkness, held a quiet allure that I couldn't shake. The hoodie, meant for concealment, only intensified my fascination, making every stolen glance at her profile a moment of silent worship.

Frustration crept in as her presence occupied my thoughts more than the mission at hand. I picked up the pace, matching her stride, and harshly whispered for her to walk faster. The urgency in my tone masked my internal turmoil, the annoyance of being slowed down by my own distraction.

Evelina whispered back, her voice soft and slightly disappointed, "I'm doing my best. I'll move faster, I promise."

But my frustration lingered, and I retorted, "Your best isn't enough. We can't afford any mistakes. Try harder."

"Why don't you walk in front? It might be easier." She said with genuine concern.

In my head, annoyance flickered at her suggestion. There was no way I'd let her trail behind where I couldn't keep an eye on her, no matter how well-intentioned her offer was. Before I could voice my irritation, a flash of movement caught my attention in the corner of my eye – a guard patrolling nearby.

Reacting swiftly, I pulled Evelina into the shadowed refuge of an alley, my hand covering her mouth to stifle any inadvertent sounds. We were now inches apart, the narrow confines of the alley emphasizing the closeness between us. The dim light barely revealed the contours of her face, and I could feel the rapid rise and fall of her chest beneath my touch.

Her hazel eyes, a captivating kaleidoscope of every color and none at the same time, now held a mixture of fear and vulnerability. I found myself pleading with my own gaze, silently promising to keep her safe.

We stayed like that for a minute that felt like an eternity, the silence broken only by the muffled sounds of our breathing. The closeness between us, the weight of the situation, and the fear that hung in the air created an unspoken connection. In that confined space, I became acutely aware of her fragility, and the responsibility I felt to shield her from the danger outside.

The footsteps of a passing guard finally shattered the tense stillness, and I cautiously released my hand from Evelina's mouth.

With a barely audible whisper, just for her ear, I urged her to continue walking ahead of me, maintaining the pace she had before. "Keep going. Your pace is fine." I murmured.

Evelina nodded with understanding, her hazel eyes reflecting gratitude and determination. We cautiously emerged from the opposite end of the alley, the dimly lit streets awaiting us like a clandestine path through the night.

An hour slipped away like a phantom in the night as Evelina and I navigated the streets. We managed to successfully avoid numerous guards, their attention diverted by other distraction. Despite the challenges, Evelina was not slowing down, which was evident in her swift and purposeful strides. She walked fast, and it was clear she was putting in considerable effort to move fast. As we maneuvered through the shadows, a twinge of guilt crept into my thoughts, of the earlier comment I made to her.

Shaking my head, I pushed the guilt aside. Now wasn't the time for self-reflection. I had been right; her increased pace was making everything smoother, and my focus needed to remain on the task at hand. Just as I was settling into that realization, Evelina came to a sudden stop, motioning for me to do the same. Glancing around, I noticed two guards engaged in conversation, and there being no place to hide.

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