02.02 The Budapest Dinner (Part 1)

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It was a good day.

I woke up at 9. I cooked lunch (a chicken + fried egg sandwich) and had breakfast (scrambled eggs). I went to Bailey's, the hairdresser's, at 10 and got my hair cut, had a coffee with Vivan, the hairdresser, and talked about life as we listened to Pino d'Angiò's Ma Quale Idea.

I went home, packed my school bag and headed over to university by bus. I stopped at the Clinic Hospital and walked over to Benetton District's street market, which is on Fridays. I walked around, bought 2 pairs of earrings and a beautiful turtle neck dark blue sweater. On my way there, I ran past my English Philosophy professor, who greeted me.

At 12 I had my first French Literature class, the professor was very funny. I left early because the Erasmus meeting was taking place in the Student Hall. Sonny wasn't answering my texts so I called him. He had fallen asleep and was terribly hungover, so he had to take a cab to the college.

The meeting lasted about 2h 30 mins, it was chill. Sonny and I chose Istanbul, full year abroad, which is now our official 2024-2025 destiny. Elle and Sonny complimented me on my hair and Igor met me on the stairs and gave me a hug.

Alexandre was playing a volleyball match that day, so Igor, Sonny and I walked over to the Sport Sciences College and watched the last set of the game as we commented and laughed at the other team. We lost. Igor, Sonny and I walked over to my flat and smoked on the balcony as I packed my stuff for the upcoming weekend.

We left my place at 15 and went to a bar in Jeremiah's Square. Cedric met us there and we had a beer as we talked and had fun. At 17 we took the underground from Blaise Irving to Korea Station. I picked up some books by Jean Rhys and Ian McEwan at Homeland and then walked over to Nate's flat by Sailor's Towers. We talked there about projects and class for a while and then Igor and I walked to Palace, a 2nd hand clothing event that our friends were throwing.


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