06.03 Opera Day: Mozart's The Magic Flute

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Today was a very full and good day.

I woke up at 9. I showered, dressed up, did my make up. First, I went to the doctor at 10, in Woodland. I needed an appointment to get my hearing checked, and a new health card.

I finished quickly, and at 10:15 I was on my way to the tramway. I took line 6 Red Roses, thinking I hate taken line 4 White King. At some point I realised I was not on the right tramway but suddenly the tramway was stopped because there was some malfunctioning with the door, so I decided to just walk.

I went to Osiri Bay neighbourhood, where Owen lives, to pick up Saint's gift from the Budapest trip. It was a 25 minute walk approx. I got to his place at 11:30 and I stayed there for about an hour, although it felt much longer. We had a cup of coffee and chatted in his living room about whatever. He had a very cute cat named Nile. The vibes were cool, I was afraid maybe the vibes could be off given our "past", but it went pretty smoothly.

I left at 12:30 or later and I went to university. I had lunch with the group at 13, at the History Cafeteria. After that I went inside the library and studied 2 chapters for Narrative.

At 17 I was finished, so I texted Sonny and we decided to leave already, since we had an opera at 19:30: The Magic Flute.

We went to mine, talked for about an hour in the balcony. Then I did my make up again as Sonny sat in the bath tb and talked to me as I got ready. I had a chocolate muffin afterwards.

We walked to the Queen's Hall Palace, which is 30 minutes from my place. We were there on time, we went to our seats, 8-30 and 8-32, they were pretty good.

The Magic Flute was incredible. It was 3 hours. 1 hour, 25 minute break, 1h 30 mins. The production was very good and they clearly had a lot of budget. It was so emotive, the music and the acting, and the opera was very funny. Many times we got so excited about something that we grabbed each other's arm, I'm happy we are building the confidence to do those things without it being weird.

After the opera we walked for a bit together, he went to Spanish Square to take the bus, I went to Cedric's Square in A-Lane District.

I came home and was soooo tired, it was along day. I ate a toast with cheese and another one with ham, and I am writing this in bed, my eyes are slowly closing. It is 1:13. In going yo read a vampire novel un my eBook yo fall asleep. Good night now zzzzz.....

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