I'm Gonna See Him?

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I've just moved out of my family home and into my own house, or well, renting.

I unpack my final box, grab my high school diploma and hang it on the hook in my hallway.

My cat, Mr nibbles, walks up to me and cuddles up to my legs meowing. "Ok, come on Mr nibbles. Let's go have some dinner." I say as I walk to my kitchen.

I grab his bowl and a pouch of wet food and begin serving him. I place a few treats on top of the wet food and put it down on the floor. Mr nibbles runs up and starts to tuck in.

I pat him before washing my hands and opening up my fridge. I grab the pre-made salad and a soda before flopping on my couch. I sigh and turn on the TV while beginning to eat.

After a while, I give up muting the TV and picking up my mail, or well junk mail since I haven't received any real mail. "Catalogue, catalogue, someone trying to get me to sell the house even tho I rent, church stuff, hockey game, another catalogue. Wait, a hockey game. Yeah, I might like that." I say as I pull out the flier and place the rest back on the table.

"Let's see, "charity hockey game. The '94 Junor Goodwill Games team USA, aka the mighty Ducks, verses local adults team the bulls." Oh, the ducks?" I say looking at the blurry black printed photo of the teams against the red paper.

I squint and can see Fulton smiling with his bandana on. I smile sadly.

I continue reading. ""All proceeds with go towards the children's wing of the local hospital."" I think about it before my phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" I say after getting up to answer it.

"Hey, Millie, it's me, Amanda." She says to me.

"Oh hey, Amanda what's up?" I ask.

"Hey, uh, sorry but I think, no, I know, we have to cancel our girl night tomorrow. Jake and Sam are taking me and Angela on a double date." She says sincerely.

I look down slightly upset before looking back at the flier in my hand. It says it's tomorrow. "Ah, that's alright. I think I have something else I could do." I say smiling.

"Oh good, we felt really bad. But the guys wanted to go to some hockey game." She says excitedly. "I mean I don't know anything about hockey but it could be fun."

"Oh... Is it the Ducks and the Bulls game?" I ask.

She laughs. "Yeah actually, that's the one. Why?"

"Oh, that's where I was gonna go." I say shyly.

"Oh, you got a date?" I can hear her smirk through the line.

"No, just wanted to go. I'll sit away from your double date, don't worry." I say assuring her.

"You're going by yourself?" She asks worried.

"Yes, and? I like hockey." I say trying not to get defensive.

"Ok, well, maybe we'll see you there. We've got front-row tickets." She says.

I look at the flier. "We need tickets?" I ask. 'It doesn't say that.'

"Only if you want to be close to the ice. Jake said there will be tickets at the door for further back."

"Oh ok, good. I only just found out so I wouldn't want to miss it." I say.

"Anyway, I should go. If you see us tomorrow come say hi."

"Ok, see ya. And tell Angela that I'm fine with it. Bye." I say.

"Bye!" She says with a final click.

I hang up the phone and sit on my couch. Mr nibbles jump next to me and I pat him. "I guess I'm going and I'm gonna see Fulton again." I sigh and lay back.

Love, Life And Figurative DeathOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz