I'm with the sk8er boi

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"Hey, Millie. I've gotta get to practice, you coming?" Fulton says as he stands up.

I pause in my dancing, taking a few breaths of air and shaking my head. I turn to look at him. "Nah, I really need to perfect this. First time choreographing a dance you know?"

He nods. "Ok, but you're coming to the game, right?" He asks worried.

"Yep, I'll be front row, like always. Here." I walk over to my bag and grab my phone. I set an alarm and turn the volume all the way up. "Alarm set. I'll be there. And I'll see you at the locker room afterwards." I walk up to him and peck his cheek.

"Hmm, ok. But don't work too hard babe." He says kissing my forehead. I nod and watch him walk out the door.

I head back to my place about to get back to work because he sticks his head back into the room. He waves, I chuckle and wave back. "See you later!"



I take my seat and watch as the teams skate onto the ice. I watch my boy play, giving it his all, like he always does. I smile happily. 'This is what I've always wanted.'

The final siren. I sigh. The ducks lost by two. I slowly stand and head to the locker room. I walk in and wait for the team.

"Oh, hey Millie." Connie says as she walks in, followed by the rest of the team.

"Hey guys, sucks you guys lost." I say sadly.

"Hey, it's ok. It's only one game." Fulton says giving me a side hug and a peck on the top of the head before he heads off to get changed.

"Yeah, I know. But you guys were awesome out there." I say looking around at everyone.

"Like always!" Averman says smugly before being shoved by a chuckling Portman.


*Two young dancers arrive on stage. Spinning, dancing and laughing. Friends. The lights dim, moments later two older dancers take their place. Hang out, happy.

Scene change. The boy leaves as two confident girls take his place. They wave their fingers at the girl. She rubs her arm. They leave the opposite side they came in. She follows, lights dim.

The girl hides behind some boxes, soft smile. The boy turns, the girl cries running off.*

My choreographing, my story, my life. I watch as everything goes exactly as planned. All these years of pain, and love have led to this.

A classic story, of a girl and a boy pulled apart by society only to rekindle their friendship and blossom a love years later. A story about a girl who made the wrong decision but was given a second chance to make it all work out. A story about a girl I used to know.

*The crowd parts as the girl feels herself drawn towards the boy in front of her. After a few spins, she finds herself nestled into his arms, looking up at his smiling face.

Lights dim once more. The main lights turn on. Performance finished.*

The dancers run out, grabbing hands and taking a bow. I smile, walking on stage and wave at the crowd. I grab the hands of the talented leads and take a bow.

As I lift my head eyes meet a man's. I smile at him and hum happily. My man.

My skater boy.


Short final chapter but I don't know what else to add.

I hope you guys liked the story. And hopefully, you realise now that it's kinda a songfic.

Avril Lavigne's sk8er boi.

I did take some liberties but hey it works.

I love you all so much just for reading.


Drew X

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