When he helps you to get ready - him as your Cold Mafia Husband...

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The morning in the mansion is quite busy, unlike other days. Everyone is roaming here and there, arranging everything because today is a party, or should I say a business party, hosted by the owner of the house, Mr. Jeon Jungkook. The king of the underworld. Ruthless and heartless. Everyone feared him, including his wife, Mrs. Jeon Yn. They both got married two months ago. It was an arranged marriage for them. Correction: only for Yn. Because this was already pre-planned by our mafia.

Ok so back to the story...

The decorations are going on in the house, and Yn is also roaming here and there, cross-checking everything as per the instructions of Jungkook because as he said, this is going to be a grand party as many well-known businessmen and mafias are going to come.

"Wait!! Don't keep it over there! Give it to me! I'll take it." Yn said to one of the staff, referring to a box of some decorative objects and frames.

"Ma'am but it's heavy!" The staff replied. "Do you think I can't take it? Give it to me and go to the backyard and check the decorations over there. Go!" The staff nodded and handed the box to Yn. Yn stumbled a bit but maintained her posture and started heading inside.

"The box is actually heavy!" Yn mumbled to herself, walking carefully and slowly so as not to break anything kept inside. She then entered the living room and was about to keep the box there but stopped mid-way.

"No no no not here! I think I should keep it in the storage room. Here everything is already messed up. Can't take any risk now!" Yn whispered to herself and started moving towards the storage room, which was the last door in the corridor.

As soon as she opened the door of the storage room, she was surrounded by dust. She coughed and sneezed a bit, and then finally proceeded to keep it on the table.

She carefully kept the box over there. But as she turned back, her hand accidentally hit the almirah beside the table a little hard, which caused the suitcases and boxes kept over the almirah to fall on Yn's leg and she fell.

"Ahh!!" She whimpered and held her leg, which started bleeding a bit. Her eyes then fell on her phone which fell near the almirah and extended her hand to take it. But she didn't notice another heavy suitcase at the edge of the almirah and then doomed. It fell on Yn's hand and she screamed a bit due to the weight of it on her single bone.

"Ma'am!! What happened?!" Three staff who were passing by entered the storage room after hearing the noises and seeing Yn in this condition, their eyes widened and they went to help her.

They removed the suitcase from her hand, only to see it swollen a bit.

"Wait let me call sir!" One of the staff said, which made Yn panic. "No no!! Don't tell him! He'll scold me. And this party matters a lot to him. So you people, go and do the arrangements."

"But ma'am we can't leave you like this!" The staff exclaimed, not agreeing to leave their ma'am like this.

"I'm fine. I'll put a band-aid on it and it'll be okay. Just go!" The three exchanged looks and soon nodded nonchalantly before helping her stand up and leave.

After they went, Yn let her tears flow which she had controlled, and tried to move her hand but it seemed difficult. "It hurts!" She mumbled while looking at her hand, thinking how she would handle the arrangements.

"It's alright Yn. You can do it. Let's go!" She said and moved out, completely forgetting about her bleeding toe, and kept walking in the whole living room.

Soon Jungkook came down while talking on his phone and as he was about to sit on the couch, he noticed the blood spot on the floor. Not only one but many. His gaze trailed on the spots and it stopped near Yn's feet who was discussing something with the maids, where he saw some blood still oozing out. His eyes widened, almost came out of the sockets and he shouted.

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