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Dear Diary,

The Gryffindor common room, once a haven of warmth and camaraderie, now feels like a cold and distant echo of the past. After the confrontation with Harry, I stumbled through the portrait hole, tears blurring my vision, and sought refuge in the solitude of my dormitory.

As I entered, my eyes swollen and red, I was met with the concerned gazes of Ron and Hermione. Their unspoken questions hung heavy in the air, and in that moment, I knew I had to explain, to somehow salvage the bonds that were unraveling around me.

But before I could utter a word, the door swung open, and there he was—Harry, his expression set in stone, a painful echo of the anger and disappointment I had seen in the empty classroom. The weight of his words, the finality in his voice, crushed any hope I had of reconciliation.

I tried to speak, to offer an explanation for the choices that led us to this moment. But Harry's gaze held mine for a fleeting second, and with a voice colder than I had ever heard, he declared that it was over. The words hung in the air like an irrevocable decree, sealing the fate of a love that had once felt unbreakable.

As Harry turned away, leaving me standing there in the shadows of what was, I felt the weight of my mistakes press down on me like a vice. The shattered remnants of our relationship lay scattered around us, and I knew that I could never piece them back together.

Ron and Hermione exchanged somber glances, offering silent support as I crumbled beneath the weight of heartbreak. In that moment, the Gryffindor common room, once a place of laughter and shared dreams, became a mausoleum for a love that had been lost.

Yours in sorrow,

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