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Dear Diary,

Today, the halls of Hogwarts are shrouded in a veil of mourning, as the news of Dumbledore's death weighs heavy upon our hearts like a leaden cloak. And amidst the grief and sorrow that envelops us all, I find myself cast adrift in a sea of hostility and suspicion, as the whispers of doubt and distrust grow ever louder around me.

It seems that with Dumbledore's passing, the fragile bonds of unity that once held us together have been shattered beyond repair. Everywhere I turn, I am met with cold stares and muttered accusations, as my classmates—once friends and allies—turn their backs on me in favor of the comforting embrace of ignorance and prejudice.

But amidst the darkness, there are still those who stand by my side—Luna, Ginny, Hermione, and Neville—beacons of light in the gathering storm, their unwavering loyalty a source of strength and solace in the face of adversity.

Together, we mourn the loss of our beloved headmaster, and together, we vow to carry on his legacy—to fight for justice, for truth, for a future where love and understanding can triumph over hatred and fear.

For though the road ahead may be fraught with hardship and pain, I know that as long as we stand united, we can overcome any obstacle that stands in our way.

Yours in solidarity and resilience,

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