Son Of The King, Obey -IIIIIIIIIIII

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Theo was in the library, reading over medusa roses. He was disappointed to find out they only grew in Greece but perhaps he could arrange something, to get a bundle shipped over. They could substitute it with fae tears but those were dangerous enough to get as it was. Theo needed to create this potion, he had to. He could probably ask the centaurs for a lock of hair, they were kind to those who meant no harm but the risk was always there. All they needed now was a vial of phoenix tears, basilisk venom, chimaera blood, and the skin of a selkie. 

All those things were sold at knock turn, where pansy had gone in search of the rose. theo packed his things up, walking down the corridor and mentally going through a checklist of ingredients and moon phases. 

His head was beginning to ache, theo seriously needed to clear it. He made his way outside, the snowy ground greeting him prettily. First years played outside, throwing snowballs at trees and hitting each other instead.

 He leaned against the column, watching with amusement. he heard howling laughter from the far side of the field. The Gryffindor's were throwing heaps of coloured snow at a statue of snape, Neville charmed an entire batch to pink and threw it at the white marble figure, staining it a bit.

 Weasley spelled a moustache while potter created a very unflattering handbag for him to hold. They continued to vandalise the statue, theo spotted the grim man from a distance, a bitter look as he strolled up to them. 

Theo watched with a smirk, though he noted the blue-eyed boys shaking figure as the man glared at them all. He recalled 3rd year's boggart lesson and it clicked. So without a second though theo scooped a handful of snow, tossing it with effort. 

It landed on his greasy head with a splat. he then charmed a few more to be thrown from a further distance, the man set off after them with a grumble and the Gryffindor's turned to the other in confusion. 

theo balled some snow in his palm and walked up, throwing it at potter who quickly turned in alarm. 

"Next time you decide to piss snape off you better have an exit plan" he chuckled, breath turning to mist in front of him "that was you!?" potter chuckled, patting his back in appreciation.

 He turned to the stature which wasn't all that great, it needed an extra flair, he flicked his wand absentmindedly and a big bucket of glue was poured over it, followed by feathers. Potter and Weasley managed to unclasp it from the ground, both of them carrying it away to the black lake. "Thanks by the way, you didn't have to do that" Neville chuckled, looking over the Snape's general direction, theo smiled "i wanted to, he gave pansy detention yesterday" the walked together, theo kicked a patch of snow away

 "oh, speaking of Parkinson. Do you know where she is? I got this for her" he handed him a little velvet box, theo eyed it curiously "what is it?" it smelt sweet yet had an acidic undertone "freshly picked medusa roses, she said she needed some and i had time on my hands" theo paused opening it and being met with the snake petaled flowers, there was enough for 8 brews. 

"How on earth did you even manage to get these? They only grow in Greece " he put the box back in his hands, a grateful smile on his face. "The floo's on the second floor aren't locked, i had an invisibility cloak and everything else was easy" Neville explained with a warm look.

 "You're bloody mad, she should be in the common room '' Theo chuckled, leading him down the halls and into the room. He flopped down on the couch beside the girl and Neville handed her the box much to her excitement. She thanked him, eyed him weirdly and he flushed. Theo felt a burning pit of jealousy when he smiled nervously at the girl, it made him burn but he pushed it down. Later that day the two glanced at each other in class, Pansy winked at him and he flushed again. 

I Think I Like It When It Rains / TheoNev.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن