Beheld In Light - The Harbinger IIIIIIIIIIIIII

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A/N this is more of an Extra chapter than an actual plot thing :P

Theo was burning all over, heart happy and face stuck in a grin that couldn't be wiped off. He was still running over every little detail of the night, the way nev danced with him, or how he kissed him, and how warm he made theo feel. 

He was beginning to regret drinking so much, because he could barely balance on his feet in the shower. Well, part of it may be the after effect of that kiss but he was more worried about getting the rain water off his body. The smell of booze and wet grass was nonexistent by the time he was done, a thick coat of teakwood adorning him as he changed into the tee he had. When he stepped out nev was asleep, wearing a soft yellow sweater. 

It seemed he was waiting for theo because he was on his bed, Theo's heart beat quickly as warmth spread through his chest.2 If ever there was a time to admit it, it'd be now. He was glad the curse lifted, he was glad he felt this, and he was glad to have nev The boy looked exhausted, no wonder he slept so quickly. Theo couldn't help but steal a chaste kiss, laying beside him and pulling the covers up. A quick wandless spell and the lights were off, theo snuggled closer, unable to believe this was all reality. For a moment, he thought he'd wake from this dream at any moment. He smelt like lavenders, theo noted, like lavenders and jasmines and vanilla with that lingering hint of soil that theo loved.

 He was overwhelmed with the feelings, in a good way of course but overwhelmed nonetheless. It burned through him, adoration, fear, grief, loss, anger, desperation, but one overpowered it all, just pure infatuation. His heart beat against his chest, this time faster than its ever had. He felt his breath quicken, head dizzy. 

The other boy hugged back, half asleep as he rested his chin above Theo's head "you're warm" he grumbled, chest vibrating with his words, theo let out a quiet chuckle, feeling tears drip sideways on the bridge of his nose. He was happy, for the first time in so long he felt really happy. He felt himself filled with fatigue. A sweet emotion swarming him as he slept.

He woke later than usual, rested and full. Nev was still asleep. 

The sun from the sloppily shut window shining on his face, he brushed away a stray strand of hair, stealing a soft kiss. Soft breathing caught his attention, he lifted his head up gently, nonverbally opening the curtains to peer over at Draco's bed where he sat with a book in his hand and Potter asleep on his chest.

 Draco looked over, "morning" he hummed then froze, mouth gaping in surprise and eyes wide in shock, he stayed like that for a moment before snapping out of it "looks like you had fun last night" Draco purred, despite the teasing words he wore a proud grin 

"you say that as if potter isn't naked in your bed" he grumbled half-heartedly as if on cue potter stirred, lazily digging his head into Draco's chest "Can you turn the sun down?" he groaned, rubbing his temple. 

Alcohol at an 8th year party wasn't really the best idea. "Not my fault you decided to drain the whiskey fountain" Draco pat his head affectionately, theo huffed and shut his curtains before snuggling back to nev 

He heard the shower start, slipping into sleep slowly but before he could cold lips pressed to his and he feverishly kissed back, seeking out their hidden warmth.

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