Raden's Birthday

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[Raden Pov]

I was kneeling on my slightly raised platform that I use to practice rakugo, waving around my paper fan. Banchou and Riri sat there and stared at me.

"Aren't you going to perform?" Riri asks


"You sat on your pedestal, so are you going to perform?" Banchou asks

"It's my birthday, so I don't have to!" I said

"But any other day, you would make us sit through this?" Riri groaned

"Not today, because it's my birthday!"

All of a sudden, my eyes were covered. "Happy Birthday, Raden!" Kanade giggles I began to blush since she was touching me.

"Kanade-chan, don't touch her!!!" Ao-kun shouts at the blonde, who was dumbfounded by the yelk.

"But she's the birthday girl!" Kanade said

"That doesn't justify it!" Ao-kun sighs

Kanade grabbed Ao-kun by the face. "Ao-san!! The birthday girl should be spoiled!" She shouts loudly.

"Kanade-san???" Banchou questions

Kanade looked at Banchou and sighed. "Banchou I just want Raden to have a really good day, and if I have to touch her to do that, then so be it."

"Ahem... phrasing..." Riri coughs

"What do you mean by phrasing Shachou?" Kanade asked as she walked over to her and began to twirl her hair around playfully.

I pulled out a cigarette and went to light it, but Ao-kun slapped it out of my hand. I glared at her angrily.

"Why would you do that!?" I yell

"Kanade-chan doesn't like smoking!" Ao-kun scoffs at me.

"Well... it's my birthday!" I say it with sass.

"But Kanade-chan doesn't like it!"

Riri and Banchou look at one another and say, "Raden, you probably don't want to smoke." Banchou comments

"Why?" I ask.

"You'll see!" Riri says

I looked at Riri and realized that Hitomi wasn't with her, and I began to wonder where she was. "Sooo, where is Hitomi?"

"Running a little late..." Riri sighs

"She brought you here," I said.

"Yeah, but then she forgot something!"

"Riri, you pack for her." I reply

She knew she lost at that because she would never forget to bring something Hitomi wanted because she cared about her too much.

"What is going on?" I question

"Actually, what is going on?" Kanade-chan asks as she walks over to Banchou and begins to playfully punch her, only to be flicked on the forehead.

"Don't pry into their delinquent activities." Ao-kun said

"Ao-tan, you misjudge us!" Banchou scowls

"Yeah, Ao-kun, you are a bitch!" Riri shouts

"Eh!?" Ao-kun is confused by her.

"Ao-san, we are all friends here, so please don't patronize them; they clearly have something planned, so please don't act like they are doing something naughty!" Kanade said

"Fine..." Ao-kun finally says

About ten minutes later, Riri was pacing back and forth, "Knock, knock!" Hitomi says as she enters.

"Did you do it?" Riri asks

"Yes!" Hitomi replies

A moment later, someone walked in. "Alola," the blonde woman said with a small chuckle.

"Aki-senpai...." My brain immediately shut down the girl I idolize who was in the room with me.

"Is she okay?" Aki-senpai questions

"Probably not," another woman said.

"Mel, splash water on her!" Aki-senpai ordered, and Mel-senpai did as told, getting cold water into a cup before pouring it slightly on my face.

"Ah!!" I shout, and I look around, shocked by what had just happened. Banchou cleared her throat and pointed to Riri, who stood up.

"We made you a cake, Raden, so I hope you enjoy it!" Riri said she had Hitomi bring it in, and the cake was like a stage, giving me a sense of familiarity since I perform on them. The candles were placed on a pedestal.

"Should we sing to her?" Kanade asks

"Yeah, I want to sing!" Aki-senpai said

"Please do!!!!" I shout

They all began to sing to me, and I was fixated on Aki-senpai. She is so cute.

"Make a wish," Riri said.

I took a deep breath and blew the candles out. Riri glared at me and sighed as she handed me her present.

"Your wish is coming true." She groaned

I unwrapped it, revealing a new paper fan, but attached to it was a big check for 80,000 yen. "Are you sure!?" I ask her, confused, why she would give me so much money on my birthday.

"For one, it is your birthday, and I am hoping that you can make this last." Riri said to me as she cleared her throat.

"Is that girl rich!?" Aki-senpai asked

"I think so..." Mel-senpai whispered

"I got you a pretty solid gift too!" Banchou said Kanade elbowed her. "Okay, we did..." She said

Kanade and Banchou got me this gift; it was a big box, and when I unwrapped it, I saw a bunch of props for performances.

"Thank you!!!" I cry out and clap, thanking them. Ao-kun looked at me and bit her lip. "Why are you so nervous?" I question

"I may or may not have forgotten to get you a present." Ao-kun said

Riri glared at Ao-kun and snapped her fingers, motioning for her to come over to her. She slipped something to her and then stood up and said, "She did get you a gift!" She said

"Then why did you have it?" I ask

"I was just holding onto it!" Riri said

"Okay then..." I mumble

I was handed the gift and opened it. "Ooooooh, a traditional pipe!" I giggle

"That's a prop, right?" Aki-senpai asks

"Do you not like smoking?" I ask.

"I absolutely hate it..." Aki-senpai coldly stated, and I realized why they told me not to smoke earlier.

"Yes, it's just a prop. I would never smoke; never once have I even thought about doing it!" I shout

"Whatever, let's drink!" Banchou said as she pulled out sake bottles. Kanade looked at her and said, "No, you idiot..." She said as she saw her glance.

We all got sake poured into cups, besides Kanade, who had juice.

"Three! Two! One! Cheers!!"

We slammed the sake cups together and began to drink. Birthdays are fun when drunk, after all.

*A/N: Happy Birthday Juufuutei Raden 2/4!*

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