03|ᴀ ᴍᴏɴᴋᴇʏ ᴄᴀɢᴇ

222 5 0

A smile stays on my face before coryo grabs my arm taking me somewhere

"Coryo where are we going we already welcomed them we're going to be late" I said trying to get my arm away from his grip

"come on i need to see where they're taking them, your my best friend right" he says as he looked at me nodding my head "then come with me" we then go the truck where they're taking the tributes, when we get there a boy who i recognize from district eight tries to run, the peacekeepers go after him, as i watch i feel coryo's arm drag me into the truck where the tributes are behind escorted to

"coryo what are you-" i say before he looks at me and puts his finger against his lips, gesturing me to be quiet, then the truck doors close, and it starts driving, as we turn we see all the tributes looking at us, i then realize how we're wearing out school uniforms

"Hi" was the only thing Coryo said to the tributes who just laughed at us, making me so confused why are they laughing at us

"What's the matter pretty boy? you in the wrong cage?" The boy from district eleven asks not laughing at all

"No this is the cage i was waiting for" he says back making me mentally face palm how stupid can he be, that's the worse thing you can say, the boys hands came up to him encircling coryos throat pinning his body against the bars, proving my point

"I will kill you right now" He says i overheard someone say his name. Reaper

"He might kill you now he killed a peacekeeper back at eleven. they never found out who did it" The little girl from eleven said making me look at him fearing what he'll do to us

"shut it dill" Reaper tells her

"who cares now" dill responds coughing

"I say we all kill him, nothing to lose now" the boy who tried running said

"I'm in" a girl who i think is in district 10

"what about the girl?" someone questioned, then they all turn to me, making Treech walk towards me, i thought we had a good start, is he gonna be the one killing me?

"not to us, maybe. you got family back at home? someone can punish them there" He spoke "besides she's my mentor supposed to help me might need her" he says as he grabs my arm slightly standing in front of me,

"and the another blondie is my mentor" The girl with the colorful rainbow dress

"how come you get a mender?" the girl from four asks, fetus tribute

"Mentor, you each get one" Coryo states,

"why does rainbow girl and lumberjack here get special treatment? why aren't our menders here?" The girl says and she goes down to face lucy gray

"just not inspired i guess" she says while looking at coryo, suddenly the truck stops, we all start falling to one side i feel someone grab my waist i turn to see Treech i feel my back head the metal truck hard making me wine in pain

"Get off me" Treech spoke aggressively as someone falls on top of him,everyone screams as the door opens making us all fall down to to ground, i don't feel much as i fell onto of someone i turn and see i fell on Treech, he moves out of my way as he stands up groaning while holding his leg then helps me up

"Thank you" I say as i gave him a smile, I look around where we are i notice a row of metal bars separating us from the outside i realize where we were, a monkey cage at-

"a zoo?" I hear Treech say with a scoff he then turns to me giving me a look, i turn to look at him i'm about to apologize to him for where he's being held until i hear a voice i recognize

"excuse me! you both in the red! who are you and- Priscilla?" I hear lucky say

"no no" i mutter as i turn away

"what's wrong" i heard treech softly ask

"i'm not supposed to even be here, im supposed to be in class, my parents are gonna see the news and find out im not where im supposed to be-" i rant before he softly grabs my arm

"it's okay, own it" He mutters, i then sigh before looking at coryo seeing he's still taking his surroundings in, if they want a show we'll give them one

"let me introduce you to my neighbors?" I ask facing him, he gives me a smile before chuckling

"i would be delighted" he says as he offers my arm, which i accept and we start waking towards them

"that's something you don't see everyday, Priscilla hello there darling," I hear lucky say as we approach

"hello lucky," i say with a smile, i then look over and see children, i bend down smiling at them

"Hi my names Priscilla Breen this is my tribute Treech he's from district seven"

"hello" he awkwardly waves at them before bending down at their level "what's your name young man?" he asks

"My names Pontius" the little boy says

"nice to meet you, this your sister?" treech asks while a small smile grows on his lips

"that's venus she's only four," the boy says answering his question

"well i aswell have a younger sister she's just 12"

"How'd you get your name?" the little girl asks

"Well it's funny actually, my parents decided to name me after one of the many trees there are over at my district" Treech answered as the little kids laugh while they found out he's named after a tree,

"Treech, how do you feel about priscilla being your mentor" Lucky asks extending his hand trying to get the microphone as close as he can gaining Treechs attention

"Well i'm very appreciative she's my mentor as she's one of the only mentor bothering to shown up, besides the other one over there" he answers

"And Priscilla what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be at school" lucky asks

"Well i am but i decided that i'll have enough time to welcome my tribute," As i spoke i noticed a group of girls laugh and giggle while looking at him, i'm guess im not the only person who finds him attractive, as he notices smiles their way making them squeal

"The game makers did tell you to jump in with them?" lucky asks making me face towards him again

"well i just came to welcome my tribute, i didn't expect to be in here with them, but because of-" I started before i get cut off by coryo walking towards us with lucy gray making me give them space

"Ah the other student," Lucky said, but coryo went to the children

"Hi, my names Coriolanus snow and this is my tribute Lucy Gray Baird from district twelve" He says but the children just smile at him as they say hello to the two, but they then start to face treech again

"Do you know how to do any cool tricks?" A girl clutching a dripped of strawberry ice pop asked hopefully, treech steps towards her smiling down at the girl

"Believe it or not I can juggle" He says

"Can we see it" Venus asks with hope in her eyes, Treech then turns towards me questioning if he's allowed to do that, i smile at him while i do a slight nod

"Well i can show you but i don't have anything," He says as he tries to check his pockets but realizes he still has the cuffs on and the foods in the inside of his jacket, "well you keep watching precious and i'll try to showing you i promise," He says, then the little girl holds up her pinky

Treech then bend down and connects his pinky with him, I look around fearing that they'll all be dramatic and push him away punishing him for touching a capital citizen, but I just sees them smiling and saying awes, but I sees a familiar pair of blue eyes looking at me,no emotion just a face of jealousy?

"Well by the looks of it you two will be taken away from this cage," Lucky suddenly says, I then turn and see the peacekeepers grab Coryo arm then coming towards me I was about to leave before Treech grabs my arm

"Thank you" He says "for the food" I gave him a smile

"Of course Treech."

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