10|ᴀ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ

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   As Clemensia fell towards the floor, Two lab assistants in a white jacket pinned Clemensia to the floor while a third injected her with a scary looking hypodermic needle filled with black fluid, Her lips turned purple and then bloodless before she passed out

"Your next Ms.Breen" Dr.Gaul spoke, before Coriolanus stood in front of her

"No" He said, before he felt a hand touch his arm softly pushing him aside, Priscilla then walked forward, she took a breath before slowly placing her hand grabbing onto the sheet about to pull it out but before she can two snakes went around her arm

"Ah, they like you" Dr.Gaul said with a smile as she took them back and smiled while closing the lid, Priscilla paid no bother onto the conversation followed, all she thought was if her best friend was gonna be okay and if Treech was alright

As Priscilla made it home, she was ready to pack food for her tribute, but as she were about to pick up a container she heard a voice from behind her

"I'm hoping your not bringing our food to that district scum of yours" Her father spoke, she stopped her hand from grabbing it before turning around

"I was father" The girl replied looking my at her father, she saw his expression change

"Why's that Priscilla, he doesn't deserve that food" She looked at her father disgusted by his words

"He's already going into that arena, do we really need to be starving him, he put on a show like you wanted me to make him do, the capital is starting to like him," She said as she sat down on the chair where there was a little table for the tea "don't you think that's enough"

"No he doesn't deserve our food, his kind killed your friend Arachne, you wont see that scum again Priscilla you understand?" He spoke with a stern voice

"I'm not one of your peacekeepers that you can command father, i'm your daughter" The blonde headed spoke, she gasped at her own words before she looked at her father fearing him, she saw him chuckle

"My daughter?" He said "My daughter?! Yes you are my daughter!" He yelled as he threw the table to the side making it fall to the floor shattering the glass cups and the water "Your my daughter, with my last name so you will honor me. you will honor me a way a woman is required to honor a man. because i will not made out of a fool Priscilla" He spoke as he yelled right against his daughters face trapping her so she wouldn't be able to stand up as he blocked her "is that anyway unclear?"

"no father" Priscilla said with a shaken voice shaking her head fearing his fist will touch her face, he looked at her before walking away to his office room slamming it shut, Priscilla let out a cry before she saw the head maid of their house hold come over

"We. had a little accident." Priscilla let out as she gasped for breath

"That's alright Ms.Priscilla," she spoke as she called over the others, them being avoxes couldn't comfort the poor girl

"Let me help you," The girl said before the head maid grabbed her hands

"We'll be alright, you should go to your room now your brothers upstairs" She smiled at the girl before she nodded and went upstairs, as she went upstairs into her brothers room, Gaius heard the argument, as the girl came into his room she shut the door and cried into his arms as he tried calming his sister down, after a while she calmed down and looked a her brother

"You must go Gaius, take the food i made, i made enough for him and enough for the poor girl in district 11 along with her tribute, i would go myself but father won't let me out right now" She said looking at Gaius, he stared at her before he nodded his head agreeing,

"okay, i'll go" He spoke

"Come home before dinner, mother may have want to discuss the plan for tomorrows events" She said the boy nodded before leaving the room


As the boy walked to the monkey cage he saw his tribute Velvereen, As he was about to walk over to her, to give her the food he brought for her he heard a call

"Hey!" He heard he turned to see the district seven male tribute calling out to him, he looked at him before walking over to him "Your Priscilla's brother right?"

"Yes," Gaius started not showing any emotion,

"Is she okay, i haven't seen her since yesterday, and she would usually come, around this time" The boy said as he looked at the sun starting to set

"She," the boy started before taking a pause "she has some argument with out father, she asked me to bring you food" He said as he took out the coconut soup for the boy as the girl has requested him to give along with a bottle of water

"thank you, tell her i said thank you" The boy said as he started at the food, he felt sadness take over his body as this was the first time he was eating alone in the cage, The green boy nodded about to walk to the district 11 tributes, before he heard him speak again "Please take care of her," Gaius looked at him, he knew the boy had a crush on his sister, nothing new to him, but what was new was that he knew his sister returned those feelings as well

"Of course, seven" The boy says before he walked over to his tribute,


As the Breen family all sit at the table eating dinner, no body says a word, the only thing that can be heard is the the spoons and forks being used, The Breen girl just sat in silence, when they were children the Breen's were taught to sit in silence as they ate their meals, only business talks we're aloud, The girl was about to asked to be excused as she finished her food but then she heard the phone ring and the head maid picking it up

"Ms.Charlotte It's Satyria from the academy, she wishes to speak you" The woman said, Her mother excused herself before making her way towards the phone, The girl paid no attention until her mother came back and sat in her seat, she looked at her daughter before speaking

"You are you to sing at Arachne's funeral Priscilla" Her mother said, Priscilla couldn't believe what her mother said, she wanted her to sing when she was the one who held Arachne as she died in her arms, she should be the grieving the most, but in her family, she was to show no emotion like that again

"Yes mother, please excuse me" The girl said as she stood up and walked to her room.

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