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     As Coriolanus was on the train to District Two he dozed off and to his fear the melody of "The Hanging Tree" hummed in his brain.

He awoke hours later when the attendant woke him

"Welcome to the Capital" The attendant said Coriolanus's eyes popped open

"What? No. did I miss my stop I have to report to District Two"

"This craft goes onto two, but we have orders to drop you off here" said the attendant checking the list

Coriolanus got off what is somehow he was
linked to the murders. had they found the gun? He was scared, the car he was in drove passed the academy, quiet, and still on a summer afternoon. there was a park where the 'elite group' sometimes hung out at after school and the bakery 'The Breen's' with those cupcakes, he loved, made from Priscilla Breen. at least he'd been granted one more glimpse.

"She's expecting you in the lab" The guards spoke, Coriolanus then made his way to Dr.Gaul's Lab

"So the victor returns. here hold these" Dr.Gaul pushed a metal bowl full with squirming pink rodents into his hands

Coriolanus suppressed a gag "Hi,Dr.Gaul"

"I got your letter" she said "And your jabberjay too bad about young Plinth. Although, is it, really? anyway, I was pleased to see you were continuing your studies in seven. developing your worldview."

"Yes, it was eye-opening. I thought about all the things we discussed. Chaos, control, the contract. The three C's"

"After everything you've seen out there in the real world. Tell me Mr.Snow, what are the hunger games for?" Dr.Gaul asked, Coriolanus thought for a second

"I use to think that The Hunger Games were punishment for the districts, then I thought they served as a warning to us here at the capital. Now i know the whole worlds is an arena, and we need The Hunger Games. every year. To remind us all, who we truly are." Coriolanus said

"And who are you to determine?" Dr.Gaul asked

"The victor." Coriolanus said, Dr.Gaul then smiled

"Welcome home. Mr.Snow" Dr.Gaul said "It was a blessing this year, but it was sad given i had to erase the whole mess, It was a mistake getting students mixed up in it. Especially when they started dropping like flies. And when one fell in love with the other."

"You erased it?" He asked

"Every last copy gone, never to aired again" she grinned "I've a master in the vault, of course, but that's just for my own amusement"

He was glad about the erasure it was just one more way to eliminate Treech Levine from the world, the capital would forget him, the district barely knew him, and district seven had way to many lumberjacks that had the same color eyes and hair like him that would be enough to forget him in a few years, there would be a vague memory of a boy that once had to fight for his life in the arena. and then that would be forgotten too, Goodbye Treech Levine, we hardly knew you.

But there was something that still would remember the boy "And Priscilla Breen?"

"Who?" Dr.Gaul spoke.

"Priscilla Breen? Daughter of Aaron Breen." Coriolanus spoke in confusion

"She never existed, Of course it was hard for me. I thought she would do great things. i guess not, her parents agreed to her erasure, after they found out their daughter turned into a rebel." Dr. Gaul said Every memory of Seventeen year old, Priscilla Breen would be forgotten forever, Coriolanus smile. Goodbye Priscilla Breen. So she could fly around the districts all she liked, but that songbird and her mockingjays can never harm him again.


  It was like Gaius was going crazy, he asked the gamemakers, but they all had to same response. There was no girl called Priscilla Breen. Hilarious tried calming the boy down but he couldn't. Gaius then did what he needed to, he made his way to his old house coming in, but as we walked in he saw his father on the table drinking tea

"What did you do to her!?" He yelled but Aaron just walked away from him

"I don't know what your talking about" He said

"What did you do to Priscilla?!" Gaius spoke but his father walked in his room shutting the door on him "Answer me father! What did you do?! Why would you do that?!" Gaius cried out as he banged the door. but it was no use. "You know that was her biggest fear! being forgotten!" He yelled

Aaron laid in bed with tears as he heard his son begging and banging his room door, suddenly he stopped

"And you call yourself a father." Gaius said then he walked away. That was the last time Aaron ever saw his son again.


   Her friends as well sobbed they had the same fate Gaius had, like they were going crazy when they asked. 'Who was Priscilla Breen?' they always got 'Who?'

But the capital can do whatever they can to try to make them forget the girl, the the friends and Gaius will always remember her.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Hilarius spoke as he stood in the train station with Gaius

"I'll be fine. going to district one is the best for me, i'll continue making scents" Gaius spoke, Hilarious smiled before hugging the boy "Thank you, for everything"

"That's what friendship is" Hilarius said, Gaius smiled at him, before walking to the train and making his way to district one.

Coriolanus smiled as he looked above at the statue in front of him "Future President of Panem" Was his title, what haunted Coriolanus the most was Priscilla Breens final song she sang stuck in his head

He did wish things were different, her accepting to be his first lady. but this was better. Both her and her lover were gone. Coriolanus would make sure, she would never come back along with the boy. they would never come back and harm him again cause like always

Snow lands on top.


Thank you so much for reading my book! if there were any grammar mistakes i'm sorry for them. But i really hope you enjoyed this book, and i'm thinking about making a sequel about both Treech and Priscilla coming back. But that's if you guys want it! again thank you so much!

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