22|ꜰɪɴᴀʟ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ

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The three mentors kept hearing pings coming from their small computer screens meaning many people were either placing bets or giving sponsors to one of the three tributes

"A lot of good it will do for me, He doesn't even trust me enough to eat anything i send" Clemensia spoke, Another hour passed it was now 2pm the only tribute moving was Reaper, who had now added Mizzen, and Teslee to the morgue, but he put Mizzen in the same position Treech left him along with his hat covering them too from the camera

Suddenly Lucy Gray appeared, she went to the puddle Reaper has been drinking out of before taking a scoop herself as well as washing her face, she then pulled out an empty water bottle that had looked like there was powder no one noticed, she then scooped water into the bottle shaking it before pouring it back, just as she she were going to leave drones came in with food and water, she put the food into her skirt, the she saw reaper on top of the stands before running lifting up the flag her lips moving as she counted

"She's trying to figure out who's left in the games" Coriolanus spoke "Maybe we should put it up on the scoreboard?"

"Surly that's a great idea, next year we'll put that idea to use" Lucky spoke making Coriolanus give him a glare, Suddenly Treech game out, he ran towards the girl

"No! Lucy Gray!" Coriolanus jumped to his feet, as Treech raised his axe, but Lucy Gray moving making his axe hit the floor, Lucy Gray then clutched onto Treech throwing his axe, Both tributes charged to the axe suddenly a snake appeared

Treech fell to the ground bringing Lucy Gray down with him, The snake hissed at them before charging, Treech knew if he were to get bit he would be dead in a minute just like he saw Circ, he suddenly stopped making Lucy Gray bump into him, He then pushed Lucy Gray towards the snake, Lucy Gray let out a yelp as the snake bit her, Treech ran grabbing his axe before killing the snake

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Lucy Gray" Treech muttered, Lucy Gray looked at him before smiling

"The shows now over until the Mockingjay sings" Lucy Gray spoke

"And it will" Treech said making Lucy Gray smile as he understood what he meant before closing her eyes.

The crowd hall applauded, But Coriolanus looked at Priscilla with hate, Priscilla looked at him confused he had told her he put the handkerchief in the snake tank, then it made sense he always had two with him, he gave Priscilla the one with Lucy Gray's scent that's why it had dirt, Priscilla then smiled knowing his plan didn't work

Coriolanus then shot her a look with rage before storming out of the hall

"The final two! Reaper Ash and Treech Levine! Never to late to place your bets!" Lucky spoke as a number appeared on the bottom of the screen

"Good luck cilla" Clemensia spoke looking at her best friend Priscilla then stared at her giving her a smile and a hug

"Good luck clemmie" Priscilla said, Priscilla watched as Treech ate the food Lucy Gray once got from the drones before looking at the cameras, one more person then he can finally see her again, he then ran into the tunnels.

An hour later, Reaper had moved Lucy Gray to her morgue, then he rested against a pole about to drift off to sleep, Before Treech sprinting out, he grabbed the flag and ran off with it about 50 yards away, Priscilla worried on what he was doing the flag alone was so heavy but she guessed it was nothing compared to all the wood he had to carry back at home, Treech had left it the farthest he could before going to the stands

Reaper angry now, took the flag and placed it back, he then went back to rest again drifting to sleep, Before Treech repeated the same thing putting the flag farther. Reaper stormed off the grab the flag, But Treech ran with it, Making Reaper angry as he kept trying to get ahold of it

Treech then ran to the opposite side before letting go and went back to the stands. Reaper now exhausted placed the flag back, He hadn't had anything to eat nor drink. So then he dropped down on his knees, and drank out of the puddle, suddenly as he got up he vomited up the water, Treech looked at the boy concerned and confused, He watched as Reaper lost his balance falling to the ground

"What's wrong with him?" Clemensia asked

"I'm not sure all he drank was the water" Priscilla spoke in confusion as both girls watched the screen

Reaper then turned to look at Treech, then he coughed up blood, trying desperately to go to his morgue, but then he stopped.

Priscilla and Clemensia looked at the screen with concern, The hall began to mutter, Was Reaper dead? Had Treech won?

Half an hour passed, Treech watched the boy seeing if he had moved but Reaper stayed, Treech with his axe then started to approach the boy's body, then he knelled down checking the boys pulse, he felt nothing. Instead of Treech celebrating he ate the food reaper left untouched as well as the water, before he got up and carried the body of Reaper

He then closed his eyes, and placed him with the line of the other Tributes, as is he was putting them to sleep. Before leaning against the pole

"He has done it it! Treech Levine The winner of The Tenth Annual Hunger Games from District Seven!" Lucky spoke making people clap and cheer

Clemensia then went to hug them girl, Festus, Lysistria, Hilarious, and Gaius went up to congratulate her, Festus and Gaius being one of the strongest out of their group picked up the girl as she smiled not because she has one but because she was going to be with Treech

She looked at the screen seeing the Peacekeepers took Treech out of the arena, He looked at the morgue one last time before walking out. He's alive. That's all Priscilla Breen cared about.

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