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As the girl was about to ask the district seven boy more about his home, she then heard the whistle blow signaling the end of the session, as she got up she looked at him

"I'll come by later to try to get you more food, i'll see you later lumberjack" the girl said as she game him a smile

"Thank you, bye to the beautiful capital lady" He spoke with a wink, The girl blushed before walking away catching up with her friends

The mentors headed obediently to the main exit, where Professor Sickle instructed them to "You're to go to the high biology lab for a debriefing" she spoke

No one questioned her, but in the halls they wondered about the reason, Priscilla was hoping that Dr.Gaul wouldn't be there as she was always fearing the woman whenever it was the time around the games, she was then listening to the conversations her friends spoke

"Mine wouldn't speak. not a word!" Clemensia spoke "All i got is what i had after the reaping, His names Reaper Ash. Can you imagine naming your child reaper and them ending up in the reaping?"

"There was no reaping when he was born" Lysistrata pointed out "That's just a farming name"

"I guess that's true" said Clemensia

"Mine spoke, i almost wished she hadn't!" Arachne practically yelled

"Why? What did she say?" Clemensia asked

"Oh, it seems she spend most of her time in District Ten, Butchering Hogs" Arachne made a gaging motion "Yeah, what am i supposed to do with that? i wish i could make up something better" She then suddenly stopped, Causing Coriolanus,Festus to run into her and Gaius run into Festus back  "Wait that's it"

"Watch it!" Festus says, pushing her forward making her bump into Priscilla, "I'm sorry Priscilla" He said as she gave him a nod,  Arachne ignored him and chatted on, demanding everyone's attention

"I could make up something brilliantly! I've visited district ten, you know it's practically my second home!" Before the war her family had developed luxury hotels in vacation destinations, and Arachne traveled extensively in Panem "Anyway, I could come up with something better then the ups and downs of a slaughterhouse"

"Your lucky" Plithy said, They all called him pup to differentiate him from his naval commander father, who watched over the waters off district four "At least she isn't afraid of blood"

"Why? is yours?" asks Arachne

"No idea, she cried for fifteen minutes, when i talked to her yesterday she seemed fine but today all she did was cry" pup said "I don't think district seven prepared her for a hangnail, let alone games" as he said that Priscilla looked up at him

"You better button your jacket before class, instead of talking about how Lamina kept crying for going into the games" Priscilla spoke

"Oh right" pup sighed, he worked the top of his button, and it came off "Stupid uniforms" As the filed into the lab, Priscilla was relieved as she didn't see Dr.Gaul but instead Dean Highbottom, But that didn't last long as when the whole class sat down in their seats they hear the door open and see the Head Gamemaker walk in

"Hippity, hoppity, how did you fare? did they great you like friends or just sit there and stare?" Dr.Gaul spoke as she went in the center of the classroom, the students shot confused glances at one another "For those who don't know, I'm Dr.Gaul, the Head Gamemaker, and I will be mentoring your mentorships. let's see what i have to work with"

She flipped through the papers, frowned, then pulled two out and held them out before the class, "This is what you were asked to do, Thank you, Mr.snow, Ms.Breen. Now, what happened to the rest of you?" The woman asked, Coriolanus grew angry at her words, he wanted to be the only one to please the head gamemaker, but that couldn't happen as his childhood best friend was always on the same step of him, but he maintained a neutral expression

"We had good luck with our tributes, mines a talker, But most of the kids wouldn't communicate. even my girl can't see the point of making an effort at the interview." said Coriolanus

"Why should they?" Sejanus turned to Coriolanus "What does it get them? No matter what they do, they'll be thrown into the arena and left to fend for themselves"

Dr.Gaul peered at Sejanus "Your the boy with the sandwiches. why did you do it?" Sejanus stiffened  avoiding her gaze

"They were starving. We're going to kill them, do we have to torture them ahead of time as well?"

"Obviously, you don't approve of the Hunger Games, That must be hard for a mentor. That must interfere with your assessment" Dr.Gaul spoke at her student, Sejanus paused for a moment, Then he sat up straight, looking her in the eye

"Perhaps you should replace me and assign someone more worthy" There was an audible gasp from the classroom

"Sejanus maybe-" Priscilla spoke softly to her close friend, before her friend Arachne grabbed her arm next to her stopping her from continuing

"Not on your life, boy" Dr.Gaul chuckled "Compassion is the key to the Games. Empathy, the thing we lack. Right, Casca?" Dean Highbottom only fiddled with a pen, Sejanus's
face fell, but he didn't argue back

"Now wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone in the audience felt as passionately about the tributes as this young man here, that should be out goal" Dr.Gaul spoke

"No" said Dean Highbottom

"Yes! for them to really get involved!" Dr.Gaul continued, she struck her forehead "You've given me a marvelous idea. A way to let people affect the outcome of the games, suppose we let the audience send the tributes food in the arena? Feed them, like your friend here did in the zoo. would they feel more involved?"

"I would if i could bet on the one I was feeding! just this morning, Priscilla said maybe we should give odds on the tributes" Festus perked up

Dr.Gaul beamed at Priscilla "Of course she did. all right then, you all put your heads together and figure it out. Write me a proposal on how this could work, and my team will consider it"

"Consider it?" Livia asked "You mean you might actually use ours ideas?"

"Why not? if they have merit" Dr.Gaul tossed "What young brains lack in experience they sometimes make up for indealism, Nothing seems impossible to them. old Casca over there came up with the concept for the Hunger Games when he was my student" They all turned to him

"It was just theoretical" he spoke

"I'll expect this assignment on my desk tomorrow morning" The woman spoke as she left for a meeting

The class voted on a committee of four mentors to draw the thing up, Priscilla, Coriolanus, Clemensia and Arachne were elected by the class making the girl sigh as she learned to lay her head down on top of her notes, the four agreed to meet up at eight o'clock at the zoo, later they go to the library to write the assignment,

After their last class ended, Priscilla took the exit closet to make her way to the zoo, her friend Arachne had noticed this and followed her

"Making your way to see your tree cutter?" the blonde asked as Priscilla "You wouldn't mide if i tag along, someone kept insisting me on feeding my tribute" The girl said, Priscilla was the one who kept nagging her to feed the girl from ten, Priscilla pretended to think about it

"Sure Arachne i guess i could use some company" she said, as both the girls laughed linking their arms together and making their way to the zoo. Oh if both the girls knew what events were going to happen.

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