Chapter 3: Always

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The streetlights flickered to life as Ally and Parker strolled leisurely down the uneven sidewalk toward her house. As they turned the corner Ally's house came into view, they could see Ally's father waiting for them on the porch.

"Why is your dad out waiting for us?" Parker asked, trying to balance his sunglasses on his nose while carrying a bag of chips in one hand.

"Shit, I think Luke, Rodney, and Steven might already be there," Ally replied, adjusting the grocery bag on her arm. "I kind of lost track of time."

She reached for her pocket to check the time just as her phone sprung to life, it vibrated wildly as she tried to fish it out. She finally freed it to see it was Rodney calling. Unsure why he would be calling, she answered, "Hey, Rod, what's up?"

"Ally, hey," She could almost feel Rodney's anxiety as he spoke. "I'm really sorry, but I can't make it tonight."

"That blows. why not?" Ally asked, trying to keep her tone neutral despite feeling she may be the reason he didn't want to come over after that awkward first night back.

"Kinda. My aunt just dropped in out of nowhere—She is only stopping in on her way back to Ottawa, so I am stuck here."

"Of course." She exhaled softly. "Family first, Rodney."

"Listen, I'll make it up to you guys. I am free every night this week, just name the time and place," he offered.

"Sounds good, we'll figure something out Monday," Ally said, just happy Rodney's sudden absence had nothing to do with her.

"Thanks for understanding, Ally. See ya."

"Bye." She ended the call and slid the phone back into her pocket, her gaze lingering on the horizon where the sun kissed the rooftops goodbye.

Parker watched her closely, noting the flimsy excuse Rodney had given and Ally's eagerness to accept it. "What was that about? Rodney sounds more nervous than normal."

"You heard it too, a part of me thinks maybe he is avoiding me," Ally chuckled nervously, brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

"Why would he do that?" Parker asked, inviting her to confide in him.

She took a deep breath, as she tried to figure out where to start. "I guess it kind of started at the spring formal, Rodney and I kissed," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "You'd think it would be... magical, you know? The best friends realize they were meant to be together all along after experiencing heartbreak, like something straight out of the movies."

"And?" Parker prompted gently, trying to hide his total shock and hurt.

"And I don't know. I like Rodney, like a lot, but is it maybe in just a friend way? I really don't know what I want, all I do know is I don't want to hurt him." She could feel the tears beginning to well in her eyes.

Parker remained silent for a moment, absorbing this new information. Finally, he put his arm around her, acknowledging her fears. "Honestly I have no idea what you should do. But I do know Rodney. He cares about you a lot, so I know whatever you decide to do, he will still be your friend."

"Right," she murmured as she took in what Parker said. "You're right. if Rodney and I can still be friends after I dated Matt, our friendship can survive my uncertainty."

"Exactly. Just tell Rodney what's up and he will understand," Parker said as they walked up the driveway.

"Thanks, Parker," Ally said with a small smile as her dad greeted them. The pair slipped inside and found Luke and Steven waiting for them, from that point on the night changed to a much lighter event. The friends laughed and shared stories for the rest of the night.

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