Chapter 5: What

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Rodney watched the red maple leaves drift gently to the ground as he waited for Ally outside the theater, he still wasn't sure what she had to check on before she agreed to go but he was glad she did. The three faded posters hanging in the windows announced the small theater's film selections, though he knew the only movie worth taking Ally to was her favorite horror movie ever made, Scream. He was already imagining sharing the butter-soaked popcorn as they held hands across the red leather armrests.

"Ally," Rodney smiled, as she came around the corner, "I hope you're excited to Scream on the big screen,"

"Rodney," she greeted him with a small smile, pausing to look at the old poster in the window. Her fingers twirled a strand of golden hair in a gesture that was both anxious and alluring. "I am really looking forward to this, honestly I was a bit nervous about coming. Madison told me that Matt started working here over the summer and I am not ready to run into him."

"Oh," Rodney shifted nervously on his feet, he certainly didn't want Ally to feel uncomfortable. "Is that what you had to check before coming, if Matt was working tonight?"

"Yeah." She bit her lip, her eyes darting away. "I'm sorry, I just had to be sure."

"Hey that's not a problem," Rodney put his arm around her, trying his best to comfort her. "You do what you need to Ally, I'm here for you,"

"Thanks," Ally responded, her blue eyes wide with sincerity. "I know I shouldn't let Matt have this control over me, I should just be focused on going to the movies with my best friend."

The word friend stung Rodney a bit but he didn't want to bring it up, all he wanted was to be with Ally. "Hey," he said gently, "It's alright, I am not exactly on great terms with my ex either. But tonight is about us, not him. This is your favorite movie and anything you want from the snack bar is on me." He motioned to the door.

Ally reached out and grabbed Rodney's hand, their intertwined fingers. She pulled him toward the door with her. "That sounds perfect," She led them out of the cold and into the warm bustling lobby.

As Rodney purchased the tickets he looked back at Ally to see a genuine look of excitement on her face. He knew she had always wanted to see Scream on the big screen, ever since her brother let them watch it with him in grade 6. He hoped tonight would show Ally that he was not only there for her but really knew her, to upgrade from best friend to boyfriend.


The bell rang the next morning, slicing through the quiet morning and sending students hurrying to their first-period classes. Rodney watched as the hallways emptied, he looked down at his phone, it had been days since he had texted Derek. He wanted to talk to him, to apologize in person, but he was scared that he had waited too long and Derek wouldn't want anything to do with him. He needed a reason, something that would distract Derek from the terrible thing he did and remind him how great of a friend he was. The only problem was Rodney had no clue how to do that.

"Hey, Rodney!" Parker's voice cut through the noise, as he approached with a casual stride. "You heading to history?"

"Uh, yeah." Rodney fell into step beside him, hoping a conversation with Parker would lift his spirits. "Just trying not to trip over my own feet today."

"Join the club," Parker chuckled, patting Rodney on the back. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, as they discussed Mr. Brant's impossibly detailed descriptions of historical events. Rodney felt an odd pang in his chest; like he missed his relationship with Parker, but he pushed it down and reminded himself he was with Ally now.

"Do you think Mr. Brant is going to expect us to remember all the dates for every major battle in World War One for that test? If he does then we may need to set up a study date or something." The words escaped Rodney's mouth before he could catch them, his face turning beet red with embarrassment.

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