Chapter 6: You

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The front door creaked open, and Parker stepped onto the worn-out welcome mat. The air smelled of fresh paint which was odd because his father hated painting. As he tossed his backpack onto the wooden bench in the front entrance, his father emerged from the kitchen, his grey sweatpants stained with beige paint.

"Hey, sport! Got some amazing news," his dad said, brimming with excitement as he pulled Parker in for a hug.

Parker's heart began to race, he had never seen his dad this happy before. "Oh really? What's the news?"

"I was just promoted to head of operations! It's a huge opportunity for us," his father beamed, finally releasing him from the hug. "You should see the place they have set up for us while we get settled, it is right on the ocean. Honestly, this is exactly what our family needed."

Parker couldn't wait to tell his friends about this until the words finally clicked—the ocean—his heart sank as he put the pieces together. "We're moving?" His voice was barely a whisper, caught between dread and disbelief.

"Yeah, the head office is in Victoria BC. Just think of the adventures, a fresh start after the tough year we've had." his tone softened as he realized his son's excitement had vanished and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"A fresh start," Parker repeated, his mind as he retreated into itself. He thought about his friends, how he was just feeling normal again at school, and how he and Rodney were finally friends again. "I can't wait."

His father could sense Parker's hesitation. "You okay with this? You've been doing so well lately."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Parker lied, forcing a smile. "I have a meeting tonight so I need to get ready." All PArker wanted to do was get out of this conversation as the reality of the situation settled in.

"Right of course, get your homework done and we will head out." His father said, watching his son slowly gather his schoolwork from his bag and head to his room. As he watched him go, he hoped he had made the right decision to take this job.


The church basement was dimly lit, the circle of fold-out chairs in the center awaiting the teens' arrival. Parker took his seat among familiar faces, his mind still locked on the fact that in a few days, he would never see any of these people again.

"Would anyone like to get us started?" Reverend Tom's voice was gentle, and encouraging.

Parker cleared his throat, his hands clasped tightly as he made his way to the front of the room. "I'm moving in two weeks. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about it."

Murmurs of surprise rippled through the group, and some offered congratulations and words of encouragement. But Parker wasn't sure if he would survive the move and the feeling of being alone in a new place miles away from his friends.

Reverend Tom approached him, placing a comforting arm around his shoulders. "Change can be scary, Parker, but it doesn't have to derail you."

"But what if I don't fit in there? what if I don't make friends? What if..." Parker felt lost in his fears.

"Life is full of what ifs but if you only focus on the negative ones you will always fail to see the positives. What if you move there and you find even more friends and success you have hear?" Tom's voice was firm, grounding.

"You really think things could be better on the other side of the country?" Tom could hear the vulnerability in Parker's tone when he asked the question.

"I believe that someone like you will have no problem finding friends in a new city. If you go try like you do in this group then there is nothing you can't accomplish," Tom suggested. "Remember in this new place you will able to be whoever you wish to be."

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