Chapter 1

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This is in Y/n's pov ONLY...sorry lol

The sound of pen scratching fills the room. I glance at the source of the sound.

Juliette, my sister, is writing in that stupid notebook that she stole from one of the doctors she saw.

"What are you even writing?" I ask.

She looks up and shows me.

'I'm not insane I'm not insane I'm not insane' over and over again.

I scoff. "The way you are acting makes me think otherwise."

She rolls her eyes and continues writing.

I huff and curl up in the corner, trying to stay warm. This cement room doesn't help at all, the winters are too cold or the summers are too warm....or the other way around, I can't really remember.

I look out the small window. Nothing much happens, not that I see. All we see is the strange weather changes.

 I can't remember how long we've been in here. Hell, I don't even remember why I'm in here. I didn't do anything wrong. The doctors and people studied me, found out I had something like what Juliette had, and stuck me in here with her-

"DINNER! Here you go, you freaks. Your new roomie is moving in tomorrow too." 

"What? Who?" I ask.


I roll my eyes, "Jeez, sorry Your Highness."

Our food gets pushed through the slot in the door. 

Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.

It's all I hear, all day, everyday.

Juliette doesn't talk. She has always kept to herself, afraid of hurting anyone with what she calls a curse. 

Apparently, I have one too, a power, but it must not be as harsh because I have never hurt somebody. At the last school we attended, I had one or two close friends, but I talked to almost everyone at times. 

I've only ever seen Juliette in close proximity with one person. One little boy who wasn't afraid of the whispers about my little sister.

He was the only one, though, until we were whisked away by our parents to get Juliette and I analyzed by doctors. 

"Hey, Jules, how long have we been in here?"

The scratching stops for a moment and then resumes. After a few seconds, she turns her notebook around.

In my sister's neat handwriting is; '264 days. 264 days locked here.'

I sigh. I have no reason to be here.

She turns her notebook to face her and continues to scratch at the paper with her pen. 

I resist the urge to grab the tray of food. I know I will regret it later, if I do. I have burned my hands, being too eager for food. 

I rest my head on my knees. I sit, trying to stay warm in this cold corner I'm curled in, wondering why we are getting a room mate. We aren't supposed to have room mates, Juliette and I got thrown in here together on a stoke of luck. Now, though, now we are getting a new room mate sometime tomorrow.

"Who do you think the new roomie will be?"

She shrugs her shoulders.

Juliette hasn't spoken a word since we got here. It makes me feel like there is a ghost watching my every move.

"Are you afraid? I mean, for all we know, which is nothing, they could be, like, a mass-murderer who's sick in the head," I ramble.

I watch as she stops writing again, and as the color drains from her face. She glances out the window, and then at the tray of food. She quickly scribbles something into her notebook.

'You can have mine, I'm not hungry.'

I roll my eyes, "You've said that for the past two days. I'm not taking your food again, you eat it."

She just shakes her head stubbornly.

I stand up and walk towards the food tray. I bend down and hover my finger over the tray, testing it to see if it's still hot. I don't feel anything, so I touch the tray for a split second. It's cool enough to touch, but still hot enough to leave a small mark. 

I grab the tray and put it in front of her.

"You're eating as much as you can. I will have the rest."

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