Chapter 3

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I turn back to Juliette. "Want to play a game of Tic-Tac-Toe?"

She smiles wide and nods, already setting up the game.

We play a few games of that, ended up playing a couple rounds of Rock-Paper-Scissors, and even played some Truth or Dare, but we got bored eventually. There's not much you can do when you're supposed to be in "solitary confinement."

"What do you want to do now?" I ask.

Juliette shrugs. Her eyes wander to the opposite corner of the room, but she quickly glances out the window.  

The corner clears it's throat and rustles around.

The guy is sitting up in the bed, his legs pulled up to his chest. 

"When do we get food?" He asks.

I cross my arms. "When we get lucky."

His eyebrows knit together in confusion, "What?" 

I roll my eyes. "It would be considered a miracle if we get one meal a day, much less two."

"Why don't you guys get fed regularly?"

"I don't fucking know, ask the people who give it to us."

He rolls his eyes and continues playing with his fingers. 

Juliette taps my shoulder. 


'Why do you think he is here? He's being really mean.'

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know Jules, but, he couldn't have done anything too bad because he's too much of a pussy-"

"No I'm not!"

I smirk at him, "Then what did you do to get in here?"

He closes his mouth and glares at me. 

"Hah, pussy." 

"Shut up."


I look at Juliette and she has the biggest grin pasted on her face, which makes me smile even wider. 

I'm happy to make my sister feel happy.

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