Chapter 5

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I feel asleep

In Adam's arms.

I can't believe myself. I haven't been able to fall asleep that easily in ages, and when I finally do it's when I'm curled up in the arms of a person I barely know.

I look up at Adam's face, but instead of calm, sleeping features I am met with his blue eyes. 

"Good morning," he says. 

I smile. "Good morning."

He shifts and raises his arm to run a hand through his hair.

I sit up and move to sit against the wall.

"Why are you so warm? It's freezing in here."

He smiles and looks out the window. "That's a great question, but, I don't know."

I study him, unintentionally....

I have studies his face and his visible body parts, like his arms (which have many tattoos) and his legs. But, I haven't studies his body.

Now, though, his torso is in my view, available to me for very precise studying.

While he watches the gray clouds though the window, I watch him.

I watch the fine lines of his abdomen, up his neck, down the muscles of his arms and-

"Like what you see?"

My eyes widen and dart away as my neck grows hot.

"Hm? I couldn't hear you," he says leaning in.

I look down at my lap and close my eyes. 

I feel his fingers grip my chin. He pulls it up, making me look at him. He laughs and says, "I don't mind, you're kinda cute."

My cheeks are on fire

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