Chapter 2

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A loud bang on the door startles me awake. 


I rub my eyes frantically and search for Juliette.

"Juliette! Come here!" I yell. 

She scrambles up and runs towards my corner of the room.

A boy is shoved in and the door slams shut behind him.

Cowering, Juliette sits in the corner behind me as I stand. I glare at the boy as he looks around the room. He finally looks at me and I'm met with bright blue eyes.

His intense eyes widen with curiosity. He smiles....not unkindly, but it definitely isn't a warm one.

I harden my glare at him, but he simply just turns away to sit on Juliette's bed. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Is the first thing I say to him.

"Sitting down? Is there something wrong with that?" He counters.

I cross my arms, "Yeah, actually, that's my sisters bed."

"That's your sister?"

Shit. I shouldn't have said anything. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 

I nod and continue to glare at him.

He smirks, "Well, she's just gonna have to deal with it then."

I scowl. " asshole."

He chuckles and runs a hand through his hair. "Ahh, I'm so scared. Listen, I don't know why you are here, but trust don't wanna mess with me."

He's not totally wrong with this one. I mean, I can't do anything to him, because I didn't do anything to get here in the first place, but I could send Juliette's ass over to him. 

I suck my teeth. "Right, and whatever you did was bad enough to get you thrown in here with a girl and her older sibling...that seems so bad."

He huffs and says, "Whatever," under his breath.

I smile sarcastically and sit back down next to Juliette. "You can use my bed tonight, if you want."

She smiles but shakes her head. She picks up her pen off the floor and scribbles something in her notebook.

'You slept on the floor last night, you use the bed.'

I laugh to myself and stare at her eyes. It's such a shame that these beautiful eyes belong to a person who hasn't seen their beauty in almost a year. I tuck her hair behind her ear. I've always been able to touch Juliette, I just don't understand how other people die when they do.

"Juliette, I care about you. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

She looks down and nods.

"Okay, so, you sleep in my bed tonight, eat my food...but save some for the creep in the corner. You can take the soap I find in the showers, anything."

"Juliette's her name? How cute, she must've been really psycho to get locked in here," grumbles a voice from across the room. 

"Oh, will you just shut the hell up. Nobody asked for your input."

I might just murder this man in his sleep and give the government a real reason to lock me up in here. 

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