4. Solution

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Yuzuru's solution was easier on his brain than anywhere else.

It was one thing to find someone to help you become good at skating, it was another completely different to find someone to help you with sex.

Like a good and dedicated student he was, he started with a good amount of research. So much so that the resulting Word document with all the information was more embarrassing than anything he had done in his life and the one document he wanted to protect with 11 different passwords to make sure no one could access it.

In combination with the most normal of things, he had now an extensive library of kinks that he had never considered to be possible and truthfully, if anything, this whole thing was good enough to write an extensive book on human psychology because some of the things he read were completely messed up.

Weird stuff aside, it wasn't that hard to realize that he had a lot to learn and there was still the lingering thought of needing someone to help him.

It wasn't as if he could go on the street or to a bar and ask random strangers to help him out.

Yuzuru was very aware that most guys of his age would probably be far more comfortable with these things than he was. Given just how much time he dedicated to his sport, there were always things that would be put aside, skating always took priority.

With anything sex-related, he had always allowed his body to take over. He had never gone out of his comfortable stance and done research like he was doing now but then again, he had never expected the subject to be as complicated as it now seemed.

For something that most adults did, certain concepts seemed harder to grasp than a triple axel but maybe this was just his perspective after being called out by Julia.

Everything was peachy until she opened her mouth and gave him this new insecurity.

For someone as hardheaded as he was, Yuzuru had to give her credit for her achievement. She had managed to take something he had never considered and turn it into a big problem. Then again, the fact that he was bored wasn't helping the thoughts leave his mind.

It was somewhere in his research that he found a certain website.

Never in his life did he expect to open such a link.

With the incognito mode enabled and a series of VPNs to be sure of his safety, Yuzuru tentatively opened the dreaded site and started looking around. It was all written in English, as you would expect a service based in Canada to be.

His research had told him enough. Providing or Buying these types of services in Canada was, in theory, illegal. That knowledge made the whole design of the website very obvious.

You see, it wasn't illegal if you didn't market it as plain sex.

According to the website, those girls were there to provide a "once in a lifetime" experience, filled with seduction, desire, and fantasy. The whole thing was straight-up obvious but there wasn't a single mention of sex work.

Truthfully, those people had to be pros. The service was marketed as high-end, with highly educated women who could, in theory, provide anything the patron needed. From mere arm candies to ladies who could hold a conversation with a high level of intellect and poise.

Yuzuru called BS right away but it didn't matter anyway. He highly doubted anyone would hire these girls for events. They found a way to sell the service legally and he couldn't blame them for doing so. It was certainly smart.

Even the way that each girl was presented was far different than he expected on such a website. But then again, he was expecting lingerie and fully nude pictures but each girl had a mere picture of their faces. There was a small asterisc indicating that you could request more pictures to make your choice but he fully ignored it.

Truthfully, he was merely navigating out of curiosity, he wasn't planning on using it anyway.

At least that's what he was telling himself.

Scrolling through the faces was almost robotic, they all looked the same in his eyes but maybe it was just the lack of interest speaking louder than he expected.

One photo, however, had him stop in his tracks.

One girl, who seemed to be completely different than any other.

He wasn't sure what it was about her. The photo looked far more natural than any of the other girls. The makeup on her face was just enough to highlight the beautiful features and the bright blue eyes that she carried. Her wavy black hair fell perfectly in a way that made her features look even more striking.

Before he knew it, Yuzuru was opening the photo and immediately showered with information about the particular girl. Her measurements were the first thing that showed up and it made him wonder just how much other men cared about them. Did the size of their thighs or waist matter that much? 

After said measurements, there was a variety of other details carefully organized. From the interests of the girl to events with more experience.

The truth was that he barely believed anything that was written, they wanted to sell so they could write anything they wanted.

As he realized just how much time he spent looking at her face, Yuzuru hastily closed his laptop.


There was no way he was actually considering it, no matter how great of a solution it could be, he needed another alternative.

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