6. Her

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Aurora had been in Toronto for a little over two years.

Leaving her parents had been very hard but she wanted independence and was very keen on studying in her home country.

Moving back to Canada was a bit strange at first and there was no denying that all the extra expenses were too much for someone who had barely worked a day in her life.

As much as her parents helped and wanted to support her journey, she was very aware of the sacrifices they would have to make to support her degree.

In the end, she tried all sorts of jobs that never paid enough for her to have anything remotely close to independence.

It was about a year prior that she started working in the agency. The whole thing was extremely strict about who could work there and she only had the chance because her best friend Aliyah was already inside.

The clients were all from the upper class. Politicians, Heads of State, Celebrities... She had seen a bit of everything in those few months of work and it had taught her more than the same time in uni.

It paid extremely well, even with the majority of the payments going to the big bosses. Even so, they had assurances and safety that most girls in the industry could only dream about.

Make no mistake, everyone knew what her job entailed but everyone thought it was about sex.

The truth was that there were plenty of clients in her bookings that had never touched her in an intimate way.
Sure, sex happened frequently but it didn't mean that it was mandatory for her to end up in bed with every man that hired the services.

They sold the package, the experience and that was part of the reason why it was so expensive to hire.

Aurora wasn't shy or fidgety about her job. She saw it as any other and the reality was that it helped her pay for her degree and a very decent condo in Toronto. All of her expenses were completely covered by the money she earned.

Even if she wasn't ashamed of what she did, it was no wonder that her parents had no idea where the money came from. In their minds, she lived in student housing and worked in a supermarket to pay for rent. As understanding as they were, she knew well that it was for the best. They would worry too much.

Her day-to-day life was spent mostly at Uni, where she was 2 years away from finishing her Pharmaceutical Degree and her nights were mostly working.

A lot of people would wonder how she dealt with it all, the long nights and early mornings but the thing was, most of the time she was in bed before midnight.

Her working hours were always highly dependent on the client but usually nothing lasted for longer than 2 hours. It was only very rarely that anyone asked for the whole night and believe it, it wasn't cheap either.

The agency earned whole month's salaries in just a couple of hours so you could imagine the values that were at stake when the hours increased.

Then again, the men who hired her usually couldn't care less about money. They had more than enough for a lifetime.

It was way too easy to get used to the life of luxury hotels and Designer gifts. Her regulars made sure to properly reward her outside of the usual payment and it meant that she had a whole stack of luxury bags, shoes, and a whole lot more in her closet.

She barely cared these days. All Aurora wanted most of the time was to be done with it and get back to the comfort of her home.

Her best friend spent the majority of her free time in Aurora's apartment and it made the place more lively and liveable.

It was on a relatively quiet week that she received a request that had her eyes widen.

Every booking was immediately sent to her phone and this one didn't have that many details. The man in question didn't specify what he expected or describe how he wanted her to dress. He didn't even tell her if she was supposed to attend any event. 

What she did know and the one thing that surprised her was that this was for one, a new client, and second, that he had booked the full night. The meeting place was possibly the most expensive hotel in Toronto. Whoever this man was needed to have a big amount of cash at his disposal.

It would be a lie if she said she didn't like it. These were the type of clients that she wanted to keep, especially if they came back to her often.

The booking of the whole night surprised her because most of the guys she worked for had families waiting for them and it was ridiculous to ask for an escort to sleep by your side when it was all about sex.

Then again, sometimes you just had some weird ones.

Aurora didn't like it when she barely had information. It was just too hard to prepare herself and know what to account for. Even with the unpredictability of her job, she always enjoyed being ready for whatever came up. It seemed like she was going to this completely blind.

Whenever a situation like this arose, she preferred to dress more conservatively and hope for the best. It was always better to have more clothes on if the client wanted to do anything a bit more social. 

No one liked to be seen with a cheap hooker and she learned that long before.

With her best business look, Aurora placed just a tiny bit of makeup on her face and prepared to meet this new man with high hopes.

Who knew? Maybe it would be a fun night.

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