45. Flashes

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Aria's traveling had always been completely dependent on her father's work conditions. Going to a foreign country with the intention of tourism was a completely new territory for her.

Well, classifying this trip to Helsinki as tourism was probably not right either but given all of the time that Yuzu would spend on the ice, it was only natural to plan some strolls around town.

The thing that she didn't particularly plan for was just how much she would be compelled by his skating.

They traveled through ANA, as she expected after knowing of his sponsor deal and the long 8-hour flight went by really quickly with him by his side. The knowledge that her boyfriend was a bit more famous than she expected did make it all a bit scarier. Being paranoid was only normal when they entered a public location but Aria quickly realized that while they were in Toronto and even in the airport and plane, everything seemed to be fine.

It was only after 8 hours of casual talk and a lot of laughter that she saw his face turn serious.

"When we leave this plane, things won't be the same, you do realize that, right?"

The sudden realization of what he meant slowly downed on her as she thought of the current circumstances. This was the first real show of Yuzu's fame and popularity to her. He was gently warning her that as soon as they left that plane, nothing would be as comfortable as Canada.

Strangely enough, instead of panicking like expected, a wave of strength seemed to consume her as she took a deep breath.

"I know. Tell me the plan" she eventually said with a determination that he had never seen.

Yuzuru didn't know how to explain how different things should be while they were there. Looking back, maybe this was a conversation that they should have had before even stepping on the plane but there was no looking back now.

"My sister and part of my team will be waiting for you at the airport, they will take you to the hotel and I'll meet you there as soon as I can. It might take a while because I have some tasks to do. I don't want you to be bored but..."

"Yuzu... it's fine. I won't be bored, Studying or even sleeping will keep me occupied for sure. Your mom won't come with us?"

Aria didn't want to mention his mom but the truth was that the woman was the only person she knew in the middle of this mess so it would make it far more comfortable if she was the one by her side.

"My mom... they will probably be onto her. She's always by my side and easily recognized."

Maybe it was only then that she realized just how much thought Yuzu had put into bringing her to the competition. It truly made her wonder just how long he had been planning on asking her to come and how many things went through his head as he considered the possibility.

If anything, it showed a commitment that she couldn't ignore.

He wanted her there and had planned it in such a way that it would be possible for her to be comfortable and away from the public sight.

So, as he explained in detail what to do after they left the plane, nervousness started to kick in. Aria kissed his lips goodbye, ignoring the fact that the plane was packed with strangers, and gathered all the courage she could find for the events that would soon follow.

Yuzuru hugged her tight and reassured her in response. Maybe her nerves were truly that obvious if he felt the need to do it.

He left before she did and well, the circus that she expected was thankfully not awaiting for them as they left the plane onto the airport runway.

For a few moments, she actually believed that he had exaggerated as they walked side by side, masks on their faces. 

"This is where we part." he said quickly and almost inaudible. "I will see you soon."

The smile on his face was evident even underneath the mask. If she wasn't sure before, Aria now knew better than ever just how much she loved this man. 

In the craziness of her overwhelming feelings, she barely realized what happened until she found the chaos at the arrivals section of the airport.

Dozens of men with cameras seemed to fill the room. An older man and woman came to Yuzu and walked by his side as he went through the whole circus as if it were the most casual of things.

Seeing the cameras move as he did was one of the craziest experiences of her life and her brain was still gathering that image when she felt her arms being pulled in a gentle motion.

"You're Aria, right?" she heard in a gentle Japanese voice. A nod was all she could muster in confirmation as she looked at the scene in the distance.

"I'm Saya, Yuzuru's sister."

It was only then that Aria's focus shifted towards the beautiful woman in front of her eyes, so strikingly similar to her brother. Somehow, the Hanyu siblings seemed to be a mirror image of their mother, making her wonder how the father looked.

A blush was instantly on her cheeks as she realized just how awkward she was, staring at the girl without saying a single word for what felt like an eternity.

"Hi... I'm sorry for being impolite... I'm Aria."

Even the woman's smile seemed to be a mirror image of Yuzu's.

"Don't worry about it. I know how scary all of this can be when you're experiencing it for the first time! Now, how about we go to the hotel and you can finally get settled?"

Now that? That was music to her ears.

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