13. Realization

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It turned out that the biggest problem of Aurora staying the night was figuring out the sleeping arrangements. 

Given how they had been a few moments before, it was almost ridiculous that they were so awkward about it.

"I... I would offer you some clothes to sleep in, but I didn't bring much with me."

If there was any doubt of how sweet that man truly was, he just kept proving it to her.

"I'll manage, I guess. My dress isn't that comfortable but it should be alright."

"I can offer you my shirt if you don't mind if I sleep shirtless"

Aurora knew well that she probably shouldn't say yes but the prospect of sleeping in her dress wasn't exactly appealing either.

"Would that be alright with you? I mean, it's a bit cold."

"I'm used to it. I usually sleep shirtless either way."

She just nodded and he didn't waste much time before removing his shirt swiftly.

Unfortunately, all of Aurora self control seemed to be close to crumbling as he exposed his naked torso. For someone so used to being with naked men, it was still very hard for her to explain what was different about him. She was still horny from pleasuring him before, something that rarely happened as well and now seeing him remove his clothes was almost enough to bring her to her knees again.

Aurora had guessed he had a well-defined body underneath those oversized clothes but she never expected just how much. It was easy to believe that there wasn't a single shed of body fat on his body and the muscles he had, even if discrete and not overwhelming, were still more than evident.

It took plenty of determination to act completely unmoved with just the removal of his shirt but you shouldn't ask her the impossible when he unbuttoned his pants and slid them off nonchalantly as if it wasn't a big deal.

Well, it wasn't, not really, but Aurora couldn't quite convince herself of this when she finally saw those naked legs.

Truthfully, she had been eying them in the bar, and part of the reason why she never removed his pants before was because she knew he was fit enough to make her stare. Now she didn't have much of a choice but to face the incredible body on display for her.

Yeah, it was confirmed, she was horny.

You may think it wasn't such a big deal but the reality was that she hadn't felt this way in a very long time. 

It truly felt like an epiphany as she fully realized the reality of what was happening and the worst was that he was completely clueless of her current state.

Aurora, now being out of her usual persona with clients, felt out of control and lost on what to do. Had this been one of her lovers, she would've begged him to help but given her situation with Yuzuru, she knew that she didn't have that right. She couldn't ask.

Only then did he finally look into her eyes.

Yuzuru must have noticed something in her expression because his eyes widened in a way that she had never seen before. He looked up and down at her figure and finally asked.

"Is everything ok?"

Aurora was speechless for a good few seconds as she took in the view of him in just underwear. Truthfully, she also knew what he had underneath it so it was very easy to image the whole picture.

It was only after a little while that she finally answered him.

"Yeah... hum... you must work out a lot."

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