Chapter One: Name Day

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—chapter one: name day

     "Hurry, Aemry! You're going to get us caught!" Ola scolded her friend, holding a desperate hand out.

     Aemry grabbed it. "Sorry!"

     Today was a day of celebration. Lord Fenris Bormul of the Silver Mines and Vineyards had announced the one-hundred-and-fiftieth name day of his youngest child; Lady Aemry. Being the only Bormul child born with brown hair, she often found herself at the centre of the ton's gossip. But for one faithful night, she decided to put her energy into something other than defending herself from rumours. She was going to get absolutely shit-faced for the very first time, and she would do it in the company and safety of her dearest friend, Ola Forshine.

Ola yanked Aemry into a dark alley, hiding in the shadows as two guards dutifully marched by. If they got caught sneaking around in this area of Baldurs Gate at this time of night, then the rumours of her legitimacy weren't going to be the only things Aemry had to fight off. Her mother and father would have her head.

"They're gone. Let's go, quickly. We're close! It's right outside this alley," said Ola, tugging Aemry along as they crept out of the darkness.

Aemry could hear the faint sound of music and laughter, and it grew louder the closer they approached Filthy Hog Inn. According to Ola, who had the luxury of being born common and could wander wherever she liked, Filthy Hog Inn was the place to be.

"Get in! Quick!" Ola beckoned, holding the door open.

Filled to the brim with excitement, Aemry sprinted in. From beneath her hooded cloak, she gazed around the room with awe. She had never seen such laughter and unruliness. The energy in this room was so blissful and carefree. Her eyes fell onto a table scattered with empty pint glasses, sitting a Dwarf and a Gnome. They were clearly trying to out-drink one another, and Aemry counted, roughly, seventeen pints between them.

"Let's get you a drink. First one's on me," Ola insisted, smiling widely at Aemry.

They squeezed themselves through the crowd, and Ola had to grab Aemry by her collar because she kept trying to accept free drinks from strange men. Apparently, that was a big no-no. When they finally made it to the bar, Ola ordered two pints and chucked six Copper pieces onto the counter.

"Is a single pint only worth three Copper?" Aemry exclaimed, bewildered by how cheap that was.

"It is at Filthy Hog Inn," Ola laughed, handing her a pint. "Happy one-hundredth-and-fiftieth name day, my friend."

The pair clinked their glasses and sipped their beer slowly. Aemry initially cringed at the taste, which Ola chuckled at. But then Aemry decided to go big or go home and swigged her beer in five hearty gulps. Ola's eyes went wide and she snatched the now empty pint from her, flabbergasted by her actions.

     "What'd you do that for? That was your first one!"

     Aemry grinned, cheekily. "I want another."

     Two hours passed. Earlier, Aemry dumped a large pouch of Gold on the counter and announced she was buying drinks for everyone the rest of the night. She became the Inn favourite after that. After drinking Ola under the table, whom claimed was an unfair challenge since she was only human, Aemry challenged someone else. This exchange led to her meeting a Tiefling named Zeke, and he quickly invited her to his wedding that was happening in the fall. In fact, Aemry was invited to several weddings or courtships, but Zeke was the only one she remembered.

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