Chapter Four: Catching A Killer

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—chapter four: catching a killer

     Astarion was Aemry's enemy, but Astarion was also his own worst enemy. And the enemy of Aemry's enemy was her friend. So, in theory, Astarion was actually her friend. They say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but how convenient would it be if they were the same person?

"You gave me such a scare last night," cried Ola, wiping her tears. "I thought you were dead!"

"Dearest, why would you think that?" Aemry asked, offering her a handkerchief.

"I don't know. Madness becomes me when intoxicated," Ola said, sniffling. "You were invited to a strange man's room, and I never saw you again."

"Why didn't you search for me?"

Ola missed a beat. "I know what you're like, Aemry. You're the most considerate Lady in Baldurs Gate. You wouldn't have willed me to put myself at risk."

"No, of course not," Aemry smiled, softly. "You are right. I'm glad you are safe."

Ola squeezed Aemry's hand, lovingly. "The man you spent the night with, what did he look like?"

"Red," lied Aemry, chuckling. "He was a Tiefling from Zeke's table. Very big and burly. His horns left scratches along my thighs from when he was pleasuring me with his tongue."

"My, my, so plain-spoken," Ola gasped, gently pushing Aemry away. "Did you enjoy yourself so much that you feel the need to boast?"

"You encouraged me to pursue lust. You will bare my sins with me."

"Indeed," she said, quietly. "Us against the world, my friend. Just as it has always been."

     Aemry was, mentally, a young teenager when she met Ola. But her physical years on this Earth surpassed Ola by over half a century. Ola was nineteen years-old when Lord Fenris introduced her to Aemry, and the pair have been inseparable ever since. People used to mistake them as sisters, and Ola would always lie and say that they were. Aemry didn't mind, Ola was her other half. And how dare Astarion make up vicious lies about her.

     Aemry's nightstand wobbled and Ola snapped her neck in its direction, eyes narrowed. Sir Haryk, who stood at the foot of Aemry's bed, drew his sword and brandished it. Aemry calmed the pair, assuring them it was probably the wind, seeing as her balcony doors were still open.

     "It's all right, you two. Nothing to fear," said Aemry, standing from her bed to close the balcony doors. "I say that was a sign from the Gods, telling me to fix my hair. I have not yet washed away last night's antics, after all."

     "Of course, my Lady. Forgive me," Sir Haryk withdrew his sword, bowing shortly. "I will remove myself to allow you to bathe."

     "I shall take my leave, as well. We cannot displease the Gods anymore than we already have," chuckled Ola, standing and curtsying. "My dearest Lady."

     Aemry snuck a glance towards her nightstand, then kissed Ola farewell. Ola suggested they have lunch together somewhere, anywhere. Once Aemry keenly agreed, Ola and Sir Haryk departed. Aemry snuck towards the door and pressed her ear to it, hearing Ola and Sir Haryk's footsteps grow quieter.

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