Chapter Six: The Hitman

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—chapter six: the hitman

Aemry was the first to wake up in camp because she had been awake for hours. A nightmare of Ola had haunted her until first light, which was the time everyone agreed they would trek off to find Gorred Wynyore. But an argument between the party broke out over who had to stay at camp, so Aemry used that opportunity to jump into the cold stream.

Goosebumps decorated her skin as she hit the water, and when she broke the surface she let out a small shriek because of how cold it was. Fortunately, she no longer felt like death and could take on the day—a day involving her confronting the man who was potentially hired to kill her.

Aemry climbed out of the stream and reached for her clothes, only to have a heart attack when she found an Owlbear cub staring at her. Not only that but there was a white dog accompanying it, too. Both animals stared at her curiously, and vice versa.

"Hello," she greeted, chuckling awkwardly.

"Friend or foe?" The dog spoke, and Aemry screamed for her life.

The party heard the scream and sprinted in her direction. When they saw Aemry holding her clothes against her naked body, they sheepishly turned away from her out of respect. Astarion, however, clearly had no respect for her privacy because he was the only person who stayed where he was.

"Darling, I've already seen it all, remember?"

"Huh?" Everyone exclaimed in unison, oblivious to Aemry and Astarion's one night stand.

"Not the time!" Aemry dismissed them, pointing at the dog. "It spoke to me. It used real human words."

"You understand Scratch?" Wyll said, stunned.

     "Scratch?" Aemry repeated, confused. "You know this dog?"

     "Of course we know him. He's our friend," insisted Gale, petting Scratch on the head.

     "Does that mean you all can understand him?"

     Gale shook his head. "Wyll and Tav can, but only when they cast Speak With Animals. The rest of us do not share that luxury."

     Aemry frowned. "How is it I can understand Scratch without doing what Wyll or Tav have to do?"

     "You naturally understand him?" Gale remarked, spinning around in astonishment before quickly turning back. "Sorry! I forgot you were naked. Why don't we go back to camp and wait for you?"

     "Good idea," Aemry agreed, her cheeks flushed.

     The party, minus Astarion, ran away. Aemry snapped and told him to leave, so he made a snarky comment about her being boring and left. She hastily changed into her clothes. The Owlbear cub and Scratch followed Tav, appearing most fond of her as they fought for her attention. However, as soon as Astarion made himself available, the Owlbear cub excitedly ran towards him.

"Now that's something I wasn't expecting to see," admitted Aemry, walking back into camp.

"What? Astarion liking something other than himself?" Shadowheart said, chuckling.

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