Chapter Seven: Finding Aemry

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—chapter seven: finding aemry

It had been a week since Aemry confronted Gorred, and that was also how long it had been since she disappeared from camp. That night, when they returned to their tents, Aemry announced she was going for a walk. When she never came back, the party realised how foolish they were to let her wander on her own in the state she was in. They were even more foolish to let Astarion talk them into giving Aemry a week before they did anything.

"I'm taking Scratch, we're going to look for Aemry," Tav said aloud, whistling for her pet.

"Let me come with you," said Astarion, calling Moonshine to his side. "Moonshine can help track her scent with Scratch, and we all know he likes me best."

Tav rolled her eyes. "Yes, the very person who told us not to go rushing after Aemry since she's a grown woman and can take care of herself, should definitely come. In fact, you should go on your own," she snapped.

     "Let's not get hasty, you didn't have to listen to me. You never have before," Astarion remarked.

     "Gale's coming too, then. He can portal us back here when we find her," Tav said, yelling for Gale.

"Sure, that's the reason why you want to bring Mr Practiced Tongue," Astarion sneered.

"Jealous, are we?" Gale taunted him, smirking.

"If we aren't back by sunset, come looking for us," Tav told the others, who nodded in understanding.

Gale grabbed a backpack for Aemry, filled with all necessities a party member would need for an overnight trip. Who knew when she last ate? The trio set off into the forest with Scratch and Moonshine. Shortly after departing, Astarion began to regret bringing Moonshine since all he was doing was running circles around him. If Astarion didn't like him so much, he would have served him on a silver platter for himself.

     Scratch paused, his nose in the air. Moonshine saw this and bounced over to Scratch, bowling him over. Scratch yelped as he was knocked to the ground and growled lowly at Moonshine. Tav spoke sweetly to Scratch to calm him and asked if he smelt something in the air. Gale and Astarion waited for Tav to translate since they couldn't understand.

"He smells Aemry, but she's not alone," Tav warned, unsheathing her rapier. "Keep an eye out."

Gale instinctively pulled a scroll from his pocket and cast Bless on themselves, the scroll dispersing into thin air after its use. Astarion readied his bow as they crept deeper into the forest, his hand reaching for Moonshine and swatting him to get behind them. Suddenly, Scratch was sprinting at full speed, barking at something ahead of them.

"That must be Aemry!" Tav exclaimed, running.

The trio and Moonshine bolted after Scratch, finding him sitting on the inside of a magical barrier. They slowed down, and Gale examined the magic. A glistening golden dome separated them and a group of masked Druids, who circled Aemry's floating body. Aemry appeared unconscious but unharmed. Astarion cautiously reached out to touch the dome but got an electric shock in return.

"By the Gods," Gale gasped, awed. "I know who these people are. They're Druids of the Circle of the Shepherd."

Astarion frowned, cradling his sore finger. "Who?"

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