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When Nene and her cats were roaming the hallway, she heard a loud footstep. "Come out wherever you are! My cats can sense you from afar..." She snarled. The cats were hissing as they sensed that someone was there. As the shadow began to go upstairs, the cats hissed more furiously.

The shadow is only Hikari in her suit, which is like the suit during the convenience store raid! But Nene did not notice and mistaken her for an enemy. Hikari was also wearing a black mask.

"Huhh... We have a challenger here..." Nene smirked. "Who might you be? Your smell seems familiar..." She continued.

Hikari, showing her face, did not notice Nene's appearance because of the darkness in the room. "My smell? Do you even know me by chance!?" Hikari laughed wickedly.

"Ehh, now I'm starting to like you!" Nene said sarcastically. "How so? We barely see our faces..."

Nene laughed wickedly, too. "You're right, but your odor irritates me... Reminds me of my classmate..."

"Only one way to find out!" Hikari shouted and dashed to Nene to show herself, and she jumped high and landed with a cartwheel pose. "Heh, showing off some flexibility... That really turned me on..." Nene smirked.

Hikari stretched her arm to punch Nene, but her cats blocked Nene's face as Nene meowed to signal her pets. As a result, Hikari's hand had a slight scratch. "Heh, not so fast..." Nene smiled more. Luckily, her wound was healed quickly, and she dashed to Nene and stretched her arm to Nene's back. "Well, too bad! My cats can sense your movements!" Her eyes became redder, raging suddenly.

"Anyways, what's your de-" Nene screeched. But before she finished, Hikari stretched her right leg and did a high kick on Nene. She also sent some of her cats flying. Because of her height, Nene stumbled hard on the floor.



"Uhh! My precious cats!" Nene scratched her back, barely standing up. Hikari stretched while running and dashed to the dark room where Ivan was captured.

Meanwhile, Ivan was finding a way to feel himself from the nylon wire. "Since I was able to distract the cats, I located the scissors..." he thought. He tried to stretch his arm, but he couldn't reach the scissors. 

"Uhh, if only I have a power like my girlfriend..." He got frustrated until he heard a footstep. "Must be Ms. Aoshima again..." he whispered.

Hikari reverted to her normal form and went inside the dark room. The cats sensed her presence and hissed as they ran to Hikari.

"Another group of cats!? Are they even stolen?" Hikari thought, not yet noticing Ivan.

"Just untie me here already!" Ivan shouted. Some of the cats turned to Ivan to scare him again.

"Huh!? Ivan? What are you doing here?" Hikari was surprised and hopped over the cats to avoid hurting them. The cats quickly escaped to check Nene's consciousness.

"Likewise! How did you know I was here?"

"Did you forget my power that quick?"

"Ohh, the supersonic hearing..." Hikari giggled and went closer to Ivan to untie him.

"Uhh, the scissors are right there..." Ivan pointed, but Hikari ripped the nylon wire with her bare hands. "There we go!" She grinned.

"I'm glad the cats got away..." Ivan sighed with relief. Hikari was about to cry when she got teary-eyed and hugged Ivan. "Ohh... why did you suddenly?" Ivan was concerned.

"I'm sorry for being a fool when I left you earlier!"

"Ehh? It's not a big deal for me..."

"Hmph! Whatever... you seemed to get along with Nene well!" Hikari hugged him more tightly because of her jealousy.

"Huh? Did you even know the situation now!?"

"I know. The truth is..." Hikari let go of Ivan to let him breathe.

"Nene was also experimented on as a child before. She's also a childhood friend of mine. That is why we know each other already when we met at the campus." She continued.

"Ahh. That explains it..."

"Don't worry. This is not your fault. It's hers... Now, get out of here while she's still unconscious!" Hikari's eyes became redder as she wanted to battle with Nene again.

"Ahh! Her eyes! Looks like she wanted to attack Ms. Aoshima..." Ivan thought. He was about to run away but he thought of something.

"But I wanted to help you, Hikari!" Ivan said.

"Now's not the time! The cats might hinder you from fighting! Now get out and I'll handle this!" Ivan nodded and dashed downstairs to avoid Nene's presence.

When Ivan disappeared, Hikari went to approach Nene, who was still unconscious. The cats were purring at her and trying to wake her up. "I see... So, the cats aren't hostile when their master is unconscious..." Hikari thought. The cats kept on purring. Like a friend, Hikari tapped her shoulder to wake her up. But suddenly, Nene stood up! The cats reverted to becoming hostile.

"Ahh! I shouldn't touch her on second thought!" Hikari thought. "Heh!? Were you surprised?"

"Not at all. I think you should check your room!" Hikari grinned.

"Huh!?" Nene checked her surroundings back and forth. "HA!? WHERE DID MY CRUSH GO?" She shouted in fear.

"YOUR CRUSH? Oh, I am so sorry for that. He only likes me and not YOU!" Hikari changed her mood, and both began to fight again.

"Hikari! How dare you say that! Kitties!" Nene recognized her, pointed to Hikari and the cats charged, but Hikari dodged so quickly until the cats began to get weary running. "If your intention is to rape Ivan, I won't let you take his first time..." Hikari shouted.

"Now that's the spirit!" Nene smirked too and chased each other in the abandoned, dark hallway. "DON'T JUST RUN AWAY, YOU BITCH!" Hikari screamed.

They chased each other until Nene crashed into the glass window, falling from the top floor and Hikari stretched her legs to land safely. "Oww! Kitties, lick my wounds..." Nene whispered. The cats jumped on the debris of the building to avoid injuries, went to Nene and licked them as commanded.

A policeman inspecting the surroundings heard the noise. "Hmm, what noise could that be?" He thought. He ran to the building and saw Hikari and Nene confronting each other.

"Uhm, excuse me, are you guys al-"

Before the policeman could finish, some of the cats ran to him after licking the wound and hissed and scratched the policeman's face.


"Nice try, mister." Nene smirked and stood up and ran again as fast as she could. Hikari continued to chase her down.

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