Heartless Operation

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"Yumi Anami, huh..." Takao murmured as he sifted through the information Poresman had gathered while inhabiting Yumi's body. Back in Noritake's corporate building, Poresman managed to blend in seamlessly. "Died in February 2010... Parents abandoned her a year before her death... Her grandmother is still living here... Interesting..." Takao scanned the details on his eyeglasses display. "You picked a notable girl... You definitely have the looks," he chuckled.

"Please don't sexualize me," Poresman, in Yumi's body, protested, fidgeting with her fingers.

"I wasn't sexualizing you, I was just analyzing the data," Takao replied, amused. "You've done a great job imitating her voice and appearance."

"Alright, you dirty big brother..." Poresman teased, testing his reaction through Yumi's voice.

Takao ignored the comment and continued, "Mr. Aoshima will enroll you in a nearby middle school. Don't worry, he's prepared all the necessary paperwork, including a counterfeit birth certificate," he said, opening the Boom application on his desktop. Once connected to Noritake, Takao briefed him on the situation.

"Her name will be Yuzu instead of Yumi, since the original was quite popular," Noritake explained.

"Popular? I'm confused, Master," Takao admitted.

"Didn't you research? Yumi Anami was a famous young actress in Chiba until her death in 2010. If she's recognized, it could be mistaken for pseudocide, damaging our corporate reputation. I'll come over and take her for plastic surgery to avoid this."

Takao laughed sarcastically. "Not many options left with so many dead being elders."

Noritake sighed. "Prepare the girl with a cute face mask. I'll be there soon. See you, Mr. Oku." The call ended, leaving Poresman, inhabiting Yumi's body, stunned by the plan.

"Huh? Why didn't you search about Ms. Anami, Takao?" Yumi laughed happily. "No wonder I have a cute voice!" She hopped and roamed around Takao's desktop. Noritake, together with his servants, came out from his limousine and headed inside the office room to get Yumi. She was already wearing a white face mask.

"Ohh, what a cute girl... *Waves at Yumi* Nice to meet you, Ms. Anami, the former young actress..."

Yumi clapped her hands as it was her first time seeing Noritake. "Ohh, so you're Father Aoshima, right? It's been a year since we last saw each other... I've improved my powers, haven't I?" Yumi ran to Noritake, wearing a gray suit, and hugged him tightly.

"You don't need to be clingy, Poresman... But I do really miss you around..." Noritake patted Yumi's head. "Let's go; we will alter the girl's face via plastic surgery... And, Mr. Oku... *Points at Takao* Don't do anything stupid again..."

"Yes, boss! I promise I won't!" Takao stood up and bowed at Noritake. "Later then, make sure that everything is safe and sound..." He turned around and his servants guided Noritake together with Yumi.

Noritake and Yumi, together with the servants, arrived at the hospital near the corporate building and they admitted a room for the plastic surgery. They went in front of the receptionists. "Good morning, Mister! How may I help you?" The female receptionist asked politely.

"Uhm, yes. *Fixes his suit* I have an appointment for Dr. Nishiguchi. Shuuichi Nishiguchi, to clarify. I brought the patient with me for plastic surgery."

"Ohh, okay. I will check the details of the mentioned appointment..." The female receptionist responded. "It's so weird appointing a child for rhytidectomy..." She thought as she checked the information.

After Noritake was able to admit Yumi and complied the paperwork, the nurse guided Yumi to the designated room, together with Noritake. The servants did not go ahead.

As they entered the room, Shuuichi was waiting for the patient. He was wearing a scrub suit and a blue mask and his appearance resembled Ivan's face. "Good morning, sir. *Looks again at Noritake's clothes* Ohh, it's been a long time since we last met, Mr. Aoshima..." Shuuichi bowed at Noritake. "Yes, good to see you, Dr. Nishiguchi." He responded.

"Okay, so to clarify, is the child the patient here?"

"Yes. That's affirmative."

"So should I need to discuss further about rhytidectomy or should I take care of her instead? It might be traumatizing for the child to attempt plastic surgery without your consent." Shuuichi stated politely and Noritake shut the door instead to not be heard.

"Listen carefully, the girl you're concerned about is not living anymore. Poresman, come out of your body..." Noritake smiled and Poresman exited Yumi's body, collapsing suddenly.

"EHH?! So that's why you suddenly appointed a surgery here... Leave it to me, Mr. Aoshima! This will take a few hours to complete."

"It would be a pleasure. Make it quick as the spirit here will use her body for its task. I will be waiting outside." Noritake stated and Shuuichi bowed at Noritake as he turned to leave. Shuuichi carried the body and lied it on the hospital bed.

"Now, let's begin the transformation..." He whispered while Poresman was just watching. Shuuichi gathered his tools and started designing the girl's face. "Let's change the shape of her nose..." He thought while altering the skin using his tools.

A few hours later, the operation was done and Shuuichi called Noritake via his phone to come over. "Alright, Poresman. You can safely control the girl's body again." He removed the blanket and showed Poresman the new appearance. "Ohh, she's prettier than before... Her nose became pointed and her face shape changed..." Poresman commented and inhabited the body again.

Two minutes later, Poresman inhabiting Yumi's body opened her eyes and waved at Shuuichi. "Hello, doctor... Thank you for taking care of me..." It got off the bed and bowed at him; Noritake came inside the room to fetch Yumi. "It's a pleasure to complete the operation... I'll pay you some time, Dr. Nishiguchi..."

"See you again, Mr. Aoshima!" Shuuichi smiled and bowed again as Noritake left the room.

Back in Meguro City, Ivan and Hikari were able to fight off Kento and Manju's gang. The gang were fainted as they were lying on the ground. Ivan and his girlfriend were both breathing heavily and covered in blood. "Let's have a talk, darling..." Hikari's eyes became darker because she wanted to know why Ivan was with Rika. "Uhm, it's not what you thi-"

"How do you what I'm talking about... Right, darling?" Hikari stretched her neck slowly like a rokurokubi to make her boyfriend turn on. "Ahh, yeah... It's been a long time since I saw her powers..." Ivan thought while he was staring at Hikari. "DARLING!? I told you; if there's something wrong, chat me, right?" She stretched her arm and slammed at the wall to scare Ivan.

"Uhh, about that... I can't say it for now... Also... *Sighs heavily* I'm sorry for shouting..." Ivan stated with a hint of regret on his face. Hikari reverted her arm to its normal form and stretched her neck facing Ivan.

** Pseudocide is a term that means fake death. 

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