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Meanwhile, in a clinic, Detective Chinatsu was given a task to interview doctors from the clinic that Ivan was being treated yesterday. She went to the lobby to ask permission.

"Good morning, I am Detective Mie of Tokyo Police Department. *Shows the personnel her police ID* May I have the permission to check all the recorded patients from yesterday?"

The receptionist asked. "Okay, we will set up an appointment since you have permission to interview with the managers here."

"I want the appointment as soon as possible!" Chinatsu became angry.

"Yes, yes, kindly sit for a while and we will get back to you as we contact our fellow managers."

"Good." Chinatsu smirked. "And also, is there a smoking area here?" The receptionist shook her head. "No, but there is a smoking area near Shibuya Station." Chinatsu palmed her head and decided not to smoke indoors. "Alright, I'll wait here instead. What a bummer..."

After one hour, Chinatsu was snoring until the receptionist called her attention. "Uhm, ma'am? Ma'am!" She walked to Chinatsu to wake her up.


Chinatsu was surprised and fixed her clothes. "Uhh, sorry, what's the news?"

"Uhm, the manager is waiting on the third floor already. You can now go there, Ma'am. If you need some assistance, I am free as of now as I have access on clinic rooms too..."

"Good, I'mma need some assistance because I need the records..." The receptionist smiled. "I thought so. Alright, let's get to the elevator!"

Chinatsu stood up and followed her. When Detective Chinatsu and the receptionist arrived at the manager's room, they sat down. "Good morning." the manager introduced.

"What can I do for you, miss?"

"It's Detective. Detective Chinatsu Mie. *Shows her police ID* I made this appointment because I want to see the personal information of each recorded patient yesterday. This is confidential as well so make sure that no one should know about this meeting..."

"Huh? Oh, yeah! *Points the receptionist* Get some documents for the detective." the manager said.

"YES, SIR!" The receptionist went behind to grab some papers. She distributed the papers to Chinatsu. Chinatsu analyzed each record. "If additional information is required, I can reach out to someone nearby, Detective." The manager said.

"Uh-huh, let me check this first..."

Chinatsu was done checking the documents. There were only 50 people confined in this clinic yesterday. "Strange, why were there only a few people confined here yesterday? But since it was only few, this is easier to investigate..." She thought.

"Huh?" Chinatsu was confused. "Only two doctors were able to aid 50 people?" She asked.

"Yes, since the majority of the people confined here only had mild wounds..." The receptionist answered.

"I want to talk to those two doctors immediately..." Chinatsu said. "Okay, I'll contact them right away, Detective." The manager quickly tapped the buttons of the telephone to call them. Fortunately, the two doctors came to the room after a short call.

"Good morning, everyone!" The two doctors bowed to them. "Detective Chinatsu Mie. I'm the one who called you both." Chinatsu smiled.

"What can we do for you, Detective Mie?" One doctor told her. "Do you still remember what the names of each patient are, especially a man?"

"Ohh, there were 15 men confined here yesterday. What is your concern, Detective?" The second doctor asked.

"Now, do you guys remember this patient?" Chinatsu grabbed a photograph from her bag and showed them a zoomed picture of Ivan running from Nene's pierced body.

"Hmm, isn't that the handsome guy?" One doctor said. "Oh yeah, I was the one who treated him yesterday!" The second doctor said while imagining Ivan's face.

"He was totes cool; I can't stop imagining his face! I hope I can meet him again..." She added while rubbing her face. Chinatsu waited until she stopped.

"The picture is quite blurry to check his clothes. What was he wearing yesterday?" Chinatsu said. The second doctor thought about it. "Hmm, he was wearing a suit and a black necktie, if I remember it, right..."

Chinatsu also thought about it and grinned. "Now, last question, I only need his name."

The second doctor checked the documents and pointed at a specific medical form. Chinatsu checked the name. "Hmm, Ivan Nishiguchi? Is that really him?" The second doctor nodded. "Yes, no mistakes there, Detective."

Chinatsu grinned. "Now, thank you all for your time. My report ends here, everyone." Chinatsu announced. The doctors bowed and left the room.

"Thank you as well for your time, Detective Mie." The manager stood up and bowed at her.

Meanwhile at the clinic near Meguro Church, Ivan's scar became bigger as he defended himself from the masked thief. "Heh! You can't escape me with my full speed, kid!" The thief shouted.

"Not a chance, fool!" Ivan was trying to defend his face, but his blood wouldn't stop coming out. "Fuck! It won't stop bleeding!" He thought.

The thief grinned and was planning to ram Ivan. He was about to land a punch on Ivan, but Ivan defended using his right arm. The thief constantly landed several punches, but Ivan was able to defend them.

"Wow! He's so good!" Hikari thought while watching Ivan. But Ivan couldn't hold it any longer as he was starting to pant. "Ugh! I'm tired!" he thought.

The masked thief finally stopped as he made Ivan weary. Then, he proceeded to dial his phone. "We found the suspect." He spoke. Hikari was confused by their conversation.

"Huh? What? Is Ivan suspected?" She thought. "Back off, girl." The masked thief wasn't a thief, it was just a detective in disguise. The other masked thief was a real criminal, and he will be imprisoned on this day.

"Weird. Why didn't the suspect spawn some animals or something?" The detective thought.

"Heh!" The detective grinned. "Stay where you are, Ivan Nishiguchi!" He added.

"Wha-what? I thought you were killing the babies!"

"Save that dirty mouth for later. We will need your explanation." The detective responded.

A few minutes later, several police vehicles arrived at the clinic. Came out were several policemen with firearms. "IVAN NISHIGUCHI!" Detective Hiraki shouted through the megaphone.

"The policemen would like to interrogate with you as you are the possible suspect of the stampede. Surrender yourself now or we will take fire if you don't!" He added.

"HUH!? How am I even convicted?" Ivan thought. Hikari became angry and approached Detective Hiraki to side Ivan.

"Let me be imprisoned, too! I can't leave him just like that! I wanna know why he is convicted!" She shouted. "No is a no! That guy is the only convicted person!" Detective Hiraki responded.

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