chapter 0 (intro-ish)

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camila wasn't like every other girl in her town, she was different rather then partying every weekend and getting drunk at random frat parties, she preferred spending her time locked away in her room reading or doing some other sort of introverted activity. unfortunately, her peace never lasted long since her brothers and her neighbour always disturbed her. she didn't like her neighbour, his name was andrew miller. andrew was popular and a total prick ( at least to her he was) he was always so rude to her which made her hate his guts, and the feeling was mutual. somehow her brothers never noticed the foul tension between the two, she didn't care though it wouldn't have changed anything between them anyways. he always found a way to make her life a living hell any chance he would get, at school he would pick on her when her brothers weren't around saying stuff like " no wonder you have no friends, who would want to be friends with an ugly bitch like you anyways". she always snapped back at him but today she wasn't in the mood.
"just leave me alone andrew, im not in the mood today" said camila as she looked through her locker searching for a pen. andrew shut her locker and looked at her "you think i care that you're not in the mood, nobody cares what you think thats probably why your mom lef-" andrew felt a stinging sensation on his cheek. it was shortly followed by the sound of footsteps, "what the fuck is your problem" said theo (the oldest sibling). "what happened man are you good" said bryce approaching them (her other brother). "i dont know why she did that man, all i did was ask for a pen" said andrew. "of course hes lying to them, wonder if they would still be friends with him if they knew what a bitch he was, i mean how could he say that, i know we say some harsh stuff  to eachother but that was to far" the more she thought, the more hurt she got. "fuck you andrew" she said while tearing up before walking of. the sly grin that was on his face slowly faded as he started heading to class. the longer he sat in class the more his thoughts consumed him. "was that to harsh, did i take it to far this time". "yo andrew, u good bro" he heard theo say snapping him out of his thoughts "yeah im fine" he said clearing his throat. "my sister was kinda dramatic when she cried today dont you think, i mean its not like you did anything wrong" said theo slightly laughing. "yeah haha" said andrew but he had a weird feeling brewing in his stomach, was it guilt?
hope you guys enjoyed this little intro i dont know where im going with this so far but we'll see 😭 please comment some ideas & sorry for the spelling mistakes 😭🙏

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