chapter 1

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hey guys, this is my first non-fanfiction story my other ones make me cringe ngl but im gonna try put some more effort into this and hopefully you enjoy, sorry for any mistakes/spelling errors 🥲
camilas pov:
"fuck you andrew" i said walking away as i
felt hot tears stream down my face. he was right i dont have any friends and i am really ugly, is that really the reason she left us?
camila was so lost in her thoughts she accidentally bumped into someone. "shit im sorry i didn't mean to do th-" camilas sentence was cut off by a deep but soothing voice. "hey, dont worry its okay, my names noah what's yours?" said the taller slightly chuckling at camilas squirmy state. camila was startled by how soothing his voice was, she looked up and was stunned to see how handsome this boy was. his hair was a deep chocolate brown and his eyes a glowing emerald green, and his jawline looked sharp enough to use as a knife. he was gorgeous. "im camila" she said awkwardly wiping the tears out of her eyes. "hey, do you mind showing me to the front office, im kind of lost" said noah rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand. camila agreed and they both started walking together. the hallways were nearly empty since everyone was heading to class. "so, you mind telling me why you were crying maybe" said noah looking down at her while still walking. there was an awkward silence for a bit before camila spoke. "it's nothing really, just stupid boys yknow?" she said fiddling with her fingers. noah frowned at the comment and spoke up. "if a boy made you cry that hard it must've been something bad" he said. "yeah i mean, i guess we are kind of enemies but hes friends with my two older brothers so i'm always forced to see him and today he just went over the limit" camila said tearing up. "hey are you o-" "heres the front office, ive got to get to class" she said storming off leaving noah standing there cluelessly.
he looked back at her one more time before heading into the front office.
"miss wilson you're late" said her teacher as she walked into class. "yes i know im sorry sir" she said as she went to sit down at the back of the class. she barely listened for the whole lesson and kept thinking about noah..
timeskip: lunch
camila always sat with her brothers and their friends at lunch since she had nowhere else to sit, she was not looking forward to it today but she had no other choice. camila got her tray of food and made her way over to the table which her brothers were already sitting at. normally, she would greet them or say some sort of rude comment on the way they eat but today she just sat down silently and played with her food. andrew kept looking at her and he felt guilty but he couldn't surrender to their years of rivalry so easily right, right? "hey cami are you good, if its about what happened this morning andrew said he forgives you" said theo while looking at her weirdly. "im fi-" she was interrupted by someone shouting her name. she turned around to see noah walking towards her waving. andrews jaw clenched and so did his fists. "who the hell is that" theo said to bryce, "no idea man" said bryce questionably. noah approached the table, leaned down next to her and whispered in her ear. "i need to talk to you alone cami" her face flushed a bright red instantly at the use of her nickname that mainly her brothers called her. she hit noah making him laugh, which made her cover her face and smile. "you guys dont mind if i take her, thanks" noah eyed andrew up and down before grabbing camilas hand and dragging her out of the cafeteria. "who the hell is that bastard" said theo and bryce agreed. andrew just stared at them as they walked off.
hope you guys enjoyed that chapter, ill try making longer chapters in the future but let me know if you guys have any ideas 👀

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