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Three days after Jado's death...

"Master I'm ready now." Liyah walked with her former Master down the halls of the temple. "My eyesight is more clear, I can see the people up ahead."

"Okay." He turned around, his arms in sleeves. "Identify the people behind them."

"Easy, it's..." she squinted both her eyes, despite only having vision in one, "It's Cal Kestis and Master Tapal."

He looked at her hesitantly, seeing how eager she was, he decided it was time to sharpen her abilities, but the problems needed to be identified first.

The two entered the dojo. "Grab a training lightsaber." He ordered. She did as he told, feeling nostalgic of her time as a Padawan, it was bringing back memories for sure.

"I see where you're coming from, but I've been wielding a lightsaber my whole life. I won't hurt myself."

"That's not the point, Giggles. You've lost one of our strongest assets," he referred to the force, "It's possible to wield a lightsaber without the force, but are you truly capable of mastering it to the level you previously could, with one let alone two?." He asked her rhetorically.

Anakin walked over to the supplies closet and pulled out two training drones and set them to the highest level. "Take these two out, it should be simple enough."

Liyah groaned and pulled out one of the yellow training lightsabers. She blocked and couldn't defect the first droids low powered blasts. Once the second droid spun around her, she was barraged with blast. Embarrassed, she turned her lightsaber off and stood idly once the droids recalibrated.

"Master, I can see with one eye, but I feel blind." She confessed. "I don't think I'm cut out for this anymore, you have to promise me you'll take Anatoli under your wing. I don't trust anyone but you, or Obi-Wan to mentor him. Although he's a bit too unruly for Master Kenobi."

Conflicted, he hesitated to give a response. He was going to rebuke the idea entirely of her leaving the order, he didn't want her to. She belonged with the Jedi, she belonged with him, Obi-Wan, and her Padawan. "Fine, if you truly feel that way," he said, "I'll become his Master, I don't think you should cut yourself out just yet."

"What do you mean?"

"How do you feel about using blasters?" He threw the question out into the air.

"That's...that's..." she stammered, "That's not Jedi-like! How could you even ask such a thing!?"

"Nowhere does it say they're forbidden." He crossed his arms, "And besides I think dropping the use of the shoto, and switching it with a pistol could do the trick." He walked around her, "I could easily just add a holster to the back of your belt."

"I guess you're right..." she sighed, "If I'm bombarded with droids, I don't think I could really trust myself to use both my lightsabers... Where do I even find a blaster? Surely there would be none here."

"I know just the guy." Anakin smirked, "Come on."

Anakin had taken her via speeder to the (Grand Relublic Army)GAR Barracks. "Hey Fives." Liyah waved to the trooper who stood idly by talking to what they called "shinnies".

"Good evening Generals." The Clone saluted.

"Do you happen to know where Rex is?"

"Last I saw, he was in the armory."

Anakin smiled, "Perfect, just where we needed to go."

The two Jedi  entered the vast, yet bleak room. Hundreds of Clones were disturbing armor and weapons to each other. Captain Rex was instructing them. "You want to take the chest plate, that goes on first." He sighed, trying to get a batch of Clones who weren't listening to pay attention.

"Evening Rex." Liyah approached him, with Anakin at her shoulder.

"We wanted  your input on something." Anakin said, "We're looking for a pistol for Liyah, she needs some alternative weaponry."

"Well General," I thought you only used lightsabers.

"Desperate times." Liyah shrugged, "And I'm not exactly what I used to be."

"Oh...I understand. I would consider one of these." He pulled off one of pistols off his hip and handed them to her. "They're DC-17's." She took the pistol and waved it around, mirroring how she seen Rex use them.

"It's a little light..." she admitted, it felt like it could fling out her hand at any moment.

"You could try the DC-17S model, it's a bit heavier and packs more of a punch. Hey trooper!" Rex called over a Clone. "Let General Aviss try your blaster out, she's looking for a new weapon."

The Clone ran quickly and handed the pistol to Liyah. "It's an honor General."

"Relax shiny," Jesse came over, "You act like your in trouble." Liyah couldn't help but laugh.

"I definitely like this one." Liyah the blaster around her finger. "Yeah, I think this type will do, Master." She handed the blaster back to the Clone.

"Y-you can keep it General, it's brand new, and intact, I just got it today." He handed the blaster back.

"Thank you, what's your name Clone?" Liyah asked.

"It's CT-87..."

"I know your number. I asked your name." She smiled.

"Well the guys call me Goose..."

"Well thank you Goose, just like my blades I'll consider this blaster my life."


Liyah carefully watched the 4 droids circle around her. She blocked the blaster attacks with a simple form I stance, deflecting two of the blast back at two training droids, stunning them. She whirled around and blocked the barrage of attacks, pulling out the blaster and shooting both droids point blank.

"Good work." Anakin clapped his hands. "You're staring to overcome your weakness, this is a good start Liyah."

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