Loose Ends

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Moments before the Battle of Coruscant...

Everything was in motion.

A week, no...less is all he needed. The Chancellor sat in his office awaiting the expected call from Count Dooku

"Our Fleet will exit hyperspace shortly, My Lord." Count Dooku informed.

Sidous could beam at the excitement that risen within him, but he didn't. He remained stern. "Make sure you keep the young Jedi alive." He spoke, "He's needed to tie up further loose ends."

"Anakin Skywalker, and Obi-Wan Kenobi?" Dooku asked.

"And Liyah Aviss."

"Isn't she low priority? With Order 66 declared, she'd be easily wiped out along with the rest of the Jedi." Count Dooku said, he was starting to wonder how exactly everything was interlinked. The original plan was to draw Anakin and Obi-Wan out, and dispose of them, putting a dent into the Jedi, making the transition from Republic to Empire less risky.

"I see you have forgotten illusive she can be." He called back to their short battle back on Jakku, leading to her escape from the Count. "Besides, call this personal." He chuckled lowly.

Sidous, knew to keep his friends close, is personal cabinet, his enemies, Count Dooku, even closer.

He counted on Anakin Skywalker defeating his apprentice, which would both rid him of Count Dooku, and drive the young Jedi further into the dark side.

Liyah Aviss was a bonus. He'd slowly get rid of the people chaining him to the light. Grievous could easily handle his apprentice, leaving him almost nothing.

Senator Amidala was with child. Once they returned to Coruscant, Anakin would find out, and then he will plant the dreams of losing her, breaking him.

Then, and only then would he move in and reveal himself. He'd make him his apprentice, his slave. He'd leave him with nothing else but the will to serve him and his new empire.

Liyah Aviss was crucial. Her death would fit into his plan tremendously.

He rubbed his hands together as Count Dooku bid him goodbye.

Stuffing his cloak into a closet, he answered the buzzing at his door.

"Chancellor." A young Padawan bowed.

"Welcome, my boy." He smiled innocently, something he had been practicing for decades. "You're Master Aviss's apprentice?"

"Well yes, technically..."

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