Chapter 6

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I head towards her house, hoping to gain some sort of whereabouts. It's not a big town, but I seem to be discovering new bits every day. I sit in the car, my anger still there. What a great way to start a relationship, my mind thinks back to last night and the way his lips felt on my neck. I shake my head no, I can't be thinking like this at the moment. I have a job to do and I'm still very angry at him.

I knock on the door, no answer, but I can't say I'm surprised. I head to Granny's to ask Ruby. She tells me about her ex-boyfriend and how he broke up with her when she fell pregnant. I walk out of granny's. Fuck she is a younger single mother in a town where anything could happen and I need to find her before Gold does. I jump in the car and drive to the boyfriends house.
After speaking to him for about 20 minutes he agrees to help find her.

Late afternoon I have her in the car and rush her to the hospital as she has gone into labour. I go and get a coffee and find Gold waiting in the main reception. I narrow my eyes at him.
"Thank you dearie for finding her. Now all I need to do is take the child and hand her off to the family waiting for her." He says with a small smile.
"No, she wants to keep the child and I will make sure she does. If you don't like it tough. You will have to go through me." I bite back, I wish I could have kept Henry but I wasn't given that choice.
"Emma my dear I don't want to fight with you. I want to be with you and make you happy." He whispers stepping closer. I take a step back and shake my head.
"Then don't take away that baby. She is loved so much and will be well looked after don't destroy that family." I say looking right into his eyes. Bad mistake I can feel myself getting weak in the knees.
"Fine but you owe me. And I'm not talking about a night together." He says and I nod. "See you later Miss Swan go and give the family the happy news." He says while walking away. I go and tell them and tears are shead with happiness and I decide to leave them to be happy and head back to the station.

I sit down and sigh. What a day. I look at the time. I'm going home. No point in being here right now. I can't think straight and need to clear my head. I drive back and walk up the stairs. I take my boots and coat off. I put the kettle on and head to the bedroom. I take a deep breath and decide I should probably have a shower. I made a cup of tea I sit and drink it then go and take a shower.

I return to work the next morning and stretch I feel a little better but am so confused. I hear talking and recognise the voice right away. Why must I always deal with these two people constantly.
"Good morning Madam mayor, Mr Gold. How can I help you both this morning." I look up and almost shout. Regina had her arm lopped with Gold's and had a massive smile on it.
"Miss Swan, me and Gold here had a fantastic breakfast and was a true gentleman. I am here to ask how his break in case is going." She looks at him and grins and he returns it. I felt quite sick.
"It has all been wrapped up should be completed by the end of the week." I reply keeping my eyes on the computer.
"Fair enough, well she shall leave you to it me and Gold are going to plan a lovely picnic for the two of us. You know Miss Swan I'm so glad I get this chance with him maybe he will be my happy ending." I lose it
"Madam mayor please get out. You are distracting me from doing my work. Now go and enjoy dating Gold and I will speak to you later." I say getting up and grabbing my cup and put it down under the coffee machine.
"Miss Swan me and Regina are not dating. You should know that I wouldn't do that to you." I hear a voice whisper beside me. I turn round and see that Gold has moved from being with Regina to at my side I look at him but like normal can't get a read on him. The grinning mayor on the other hand looks like she has won the lottery.
I point to the door.
"Have a good day guys. I will have to pop by later Gold to get you to sign the paperwork." I say and start making a coffee.
Once they both leave arm in arm, I feel the tears start to fall. I am so stupid to think that I can have someone who loves me. Regina will always destroy it if I'm here and if I'm not well then I guess my own stupidity will.

Later that afternoon I head to Gold's shop to finalise the last of the paperwork. Just a quick in and out I tell myself. I walk in with my head held high. I look around and see that he is not behind the till. I could just leave the paperwork.
"Gold I need you to sign this." I say my voice a little louder than normal.
"Come into the back my dear." Is all the response I get.
"No I don't have time to wait." I hiss out.
He peaks out from behind the curtains.
"Emma my darling come here and don't give me any bullshit about being busy." His eyes tell me he has something in mind. " I know you are angry about the past few days. Let me make it up to you." His smile is all it took for my feet to start moving towards him no matter how much I kept wanting to stop.
I stop a few feet from him and hold out the paperwork. He takes it and quickly takes my hand and leads he into his workshop.
I take a seat and look at him, waiting for him to say something, but instead, he walks past me, locks up the shop for the day, and comes back.
"Emma, I'm so sorry about today. I owed her a favour, and she wanted to make you miserable. I wanted to say no, but she is very convincing. As for Ashley, I was going to put the child up for adoption. I think it was her step mum who made the arrangements with me. I never wanted to hurt you or see you quite so angry. I feel things for you that I haven't felt since my last love died. I need you, I want you so please let me love you." He explains, and I just sigh.
He takes my hands in his and leans forward but stops and looks at me, and I simply nod. He kisses me, I grab the back of his neck and hold on. I pull him in closer, and he ends up moving to sit on the bed beside me. I end up on his lap with my tongue down his throat while moaning. I wanted more, but at the same time didn't.
"Please come back to mine. Let me cook you dinner and show just how wonderful you really are to me." His smile feels like it's meant for this moment and right now I couldn't find it me to say no. So I simply nod and take his hand.
Maybe we can make this work. Maybe he not as bad as people say. And maybe just maybe I am in love with him and I don't think I want it any other way.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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