Chapter 3

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I find Henry waiting for me outside grannys. I smile at him and he grins at me.
"Hey kido ready to spend some time together?" I smile for the first time in ages Regina has let me spend some time with him. For the simple reason I am cleaning and she wants to make sure I put everything back in the right place.
"Yeah let's clean quickly so we can spend more time having fun." He smiles and takes my hand and we walk off.
Arriving at the town hall I finish off the cleaning. Thoughts you back to the night before and I smile. An hour later we had finished and we head for the park to have a chat.
"Emma? My mum is convinced that there is something going on between you and gold." Henry's eyes show fear of my answer.
"It's a working relationship, we have had to spend a lot of time together. I am going to be honest with you kid, I have feelings for him but he has made it clear he doesn't want a relationship." I look at him and he frowns at me.
"Emma he is a bad man. I don't want to lose my mum again, I just got you back." He looks so sad. I hug him and pull him closer to me.
"I'm not going anywhere kid I promise." I kiss his head and smile at him.

Sitting in my office I realise that I made a promise that I might not be able to keep thanks to Regina.
I lean back against my chair and let out a sigh, since coming here I have learnt that I had never fit in anywhere and maybe its cause I was ment to be with my son.

After 3 hours of paper work I was beginning to remember my harried for it. I make my way home for dinner so I could have an early night as Henry had school tomorrow since it was Friday. Everyone has the day off today due to the ball the night before.

I cooked dinner as Mary wasn't in, she had wrote a note to say that she had gone shopping. I looked in the fridge and saw why she had gone shopping. It hardly had anything in there. Taking out the last of the milk I start to make a pudding to go with our dinner. Mary deserves so much after welcoming me into her life the way she did. Within a few months she became the only family apart from Henry I have.

We had our weekend planned out and it all stuck on a board so we knew what we was doing. 'Face masks, chick flicks, pizzas, nails done, do hair' that was just a few on the list. It should be a good night.

That night we sat in front of the tv and allowed the night to pass us by. We headed to bed and for once I slept well. No dreams no nothing. The first descent night sleep since I started getting feeling for Gold.

Meeting Henry I walk him to the bus stop and wish him a good day as I make my way to my office. The walk isn't long and it's a nice day.
I got on with a few complaints that normally happend in this little town.

I called ruby and asked for my normal lunch as I didn't want to leave the office and risk bumping into Gold. He had no reason to come in today. My food turned up but not with Ruby.
"Gold why are you here and with my food?" I ask wishing he wasn't standing in front of her.
"I got asked to bring it as Grannys was really busy and I have to pass here to get back to work." His smirk showed he was enjoying my discomfort.
"Well thanks but if you don't mind leaving I have a lot of work to do." I take a bite out of sandwich and start typing.
"Emma what's the matter why are you acting as if you hate me?" He moved closer.
"Gold I'm busy and I don't want to talk." I reply I don't want to hurt Henry and if me not being with him means my son is happy then I will put him first like I did when I gave him up.
"It's Henry isn't it. You don't what to hurt him. You really do care for the boy." He sighed at looked at me. I raise my head and look at him.
"Look if you want to talk at least take a seat so I can explain it." I felt like I was breaking up with him before we had even started dating. He took a seat and waited for me to carry on.
"Yes Gold I care for my son and I would do anything to make him happy. I don't want to break my promise to him. I hate to see him sad. It would be like someone breaking a deal with you. You wouldn't want that to happen so I won't break my promise to my son. I told him I wasn't going anywhere." I looked away at the end.
"Who said about breaking a promise to him I get that you don't want to do that but when will you let me in?" He asked.
"Says the one who doesn't want a relationship. You want me to open up to you about my life. I rather not. Look please leave I have a lot of work to do and I will find time to talk to you if I need to." I say and he nods and leaves the office. I lay my head on the desk and sigh, this was harder than I thought. Its not like I love him.
"A lover's spat miss swan?" Regina's voice came out powerful.
"No madam mayor. I don't know what you mean. I would need a lover to start with." I reply back and continue with my report.
"Miss swan I know about you and gold. Don't lie to me." She hissed. I raise an eyebrow. "You too spend a lot of time together, I don't want Henry anywhere near him so if you are together you will no longer see my son." She smiled and went to walk out.
"Regina I am not dating him. Hernys wellbeing will always come first. I would never put our son in danger I do care about the kid." I say looking at her she nods and glares at me then walks out. How dare she tell me who I can and can't be with. Maybe it's for the best, I mean how can I be with the most hated guy in the whole town.

Do you feel the same? (OUAT Mr gold/Emma)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt