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Hello to all my lovely readers.

This story is based very losely on ABC's Once Upon A Time series which I have fallen in love with. Since I wished them to ship Gold and Emma I decide to make my own story up with them. All songs with be to do with them unless I say otherwise at the beginning of the chapter's. I wanna show how bounds are made between all of the charaters. If you need help understanding it just ask and I will try and help you understand it. I know the first chapter is very erotic but that's just the beginning so if its not your sort of book dont read also I would suggest that if you are under 14 not reading as wouldn't want you getting the wrong idea or just don't tell your parents, not all the chapters will be like that but they will all lead on. I wanna show how great imagination can be when reading.

I would love some feed back on this book as I have put a lot of time and passion into it.

Happy reading.


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