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Saturday, June 10, 4:50

Vance's pov

Everyone was at my house listening to music on the TV and my cousins were telling stories about Rosie.

Me and Bruce haven't talked yet, and I'm scared to start a conversation with him.

"We have a bunch of interesting stories about Vance too not just Rosie" Aubry said "Excuse me?" I said looking at her "Obviously we won't tell them, YET" Kaitlyn added on, i just rolled my eyes.

"Well anyways, I'm bored can we do something"Bruce said looking at Rosie "What? I don't know what to do" Rosie responded.

"Well we could go out for a bit, we do have time until we leave" I stated "Like were?"Bruce asked "I don't know but we could go somewhere, maybe go get food"I said "Im down"Robin said "Same" everyone said.

"I'll go let my mom know"I said and started walking upstairs to my mom's room. "Mom were gonna go eat, maybe go to the store or something, we'll be back before we leave for sure though"I said "Alright, here I'll give you some money" She said walking to her drawer full of money, I'm not even joking she had hundreds, fifty's, twentys, tens, fives, and ones, like what?

Here's 250, get whatever at the store, if you need more call me" She said "I think this is enough mom, thanks"I said and left her room, well her room for now.

"Ok I told my mom and she gave us money so we're set" i said and they nodded and we all started walking to target, which was like a good fifteen minutes away from our house.

"Vance, can I talk to you?"Rosie asked me "Sure, about?"I asked while we were behind the group "Bruce." She said automatically, I knew it, "Oh my" I said and rolled my eyes "C'mon Vance, I know you want to get with him, why don't you just ask him?"she asked "Because it's awkward" I said "Yea but it wouldn't hurt plus I'm pretty sure he wants to get back with you too, just be honest with him, maybe tell him more about the past?"She said.

I knew what she was talking about when she said more about the past, she was talking about my Self-harm and smoking. I did this because my dad was very abusive and still is. Rosie found out and she was mad but she didn't say anything or talk to me, she was mad at me for doing that but had understood why I did it.

"I don't know- I mean that's too much don't you think?"I asked "No, I mean c'mon you wanted to tell him you loved him for five months already, if you love him you would tell him Vance"she said "Yea but like- what if he reacts like you did when you found out?"I asked "He won't i promise you"She said.

After that we just walked in silence until we got to target.

This target was HUGE like HUGE. Anyways we all went inside and grabbed a few carts. "We should all split up and see what we can find and text in the group chat" Leo suggested "Oooo great idea"Elizabeth said.

After that we all splited up.

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