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Women in patriarchal society often face difficult and challenging realities. They feel that the rights, equality, and freedoms touted by democracy and social justice are just things that work on paper.

Women experience injustices in various fields, ranging from education to economy, and even in governance. Inadequate education and gender stereotypes imposed by society make it difficult for women to develop and actively participate in social and political activities. They are trapped in the role of being a weak and less influential individual.

Moreover, patriarchal norms and male power in society make women always regarded as being in a lower position. Women always have a lower status than men and are often seen as objects to fulfill the interests of men. This causes many women to experience violence, exploitation, and discrimination.

When trapped in a patriarchal environment, women feel imprisoned and not free to pursue their ambitions. They are always faced with gender biases that make everything more difficult. Women are often required to meet beauty standards and ideals that are set by patriarchal society.

However, many women are fighting to change the stigmas and dangerous norms that they face. Many women take an active role in supporting social reforms. At that time, women felt that their space for contributing to community development could be realized more effectively.

They fight for women's rights through a series of actions, ranging from fighting for their rights as victims of violence, education publications, to organizing groups supporting women's freedom. Women fight for their rights as part of the human rights movement, focusing on the importance of gender discrimination eradication that is inherent in their civilization.

The more they fight for their rights, women build strength and solidarity which is important in the struggle against injustice and discrimination in patriarchal communities. Certainly, the struggle continues in many challenging situations. They must always be brave, keep fighting and defending their rights to make women a crucial part in building justice and equality in society.

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