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Conflict is a natural part of human life, whether among individuals or groups. Although conflict can be unpleasant, without it, there would be no change or progress in society. When groups experience conflict, there are specific dynamics within the group that need to be understood in order to effectively resolve the issues.

Firstly, group members may feel insecure due to the presence of conflict. They may feel uncomfortable with the nature of the dispute or disagreement and tend to feel powerless. This may lead to some members trying to gain power or control, while others may try to distance themselves or avoid the issue.

When a group is involved in conflict, there is often a division among members. There are groups that support one side or the other, and these groups often polish other arguments by sowing discord or providing inaccurate information about the opposing side. These groups will try to garner as much support as possible from group members to achieve their goals.

Additionally, groups may take a stance of resistance or defensiveness. Groups wanting to assert resistance tend to be more aggressive and may try to intimidate the opposing group. Defensive groups, on the other hand, may try to protect themselves and withstand without intentionally hurting the other group.

However, group dynamics are not always negative during a conflict. Conflict can also be a catalyst for group learning and growth. Groups may develop better communication and negotiation skills during conflict, as well as gain a better understanding of group members. Groups can use conflict as an opportunity to improve their relationships and enhance group performance in the future.

Furthermore, it's important to remember that group dynamics in conflict can also depend on other factors such as culture, values, and political views of group members. In groups dominated by shared values and political views, conflict can become very sharp and breed hatred towards other groups.

Nevertheless, it's important for group members to understand these group dynamics in conflict and know how to address them. It's important to speak calmly and clearly and avoid complaining or providing false information about the opponent. Groups that constructively encourage conversation and support among members during conflict will expedite problem-solving within the group.

In conclusion, group dynamics in conflict are a challenging journey for all group members. However, by understanding how groups work during conflict and utilizing the opportunities gained during such situations, groups can continue to grow and evolve towards better unity. With the right attitude and sensible steps, differences of opinion can be effectively resolved, leading to unity and progress within the group.

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