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"Semantics can be said to be a branch of linguistics studying the meaning of words. It is also the study of the relationship between words and their meanings..."

Hey there! I'm Soma, a 19-year-old university student. Right now, I'm sitting in class, but my mind is a million miles away. My mom is getting married to someone I'm not exactly thrilled about, and it's been weighing on me. I'm trying to navigate this new reality, but it's tough.

My mum's text yesterday hit me like a ton of bricks: 'Mark proposed, and I said yes!'

I should be thrilled for her, but my heart sank. I let out a deep sigh and chewed on my gum nervously, trying to process the news. The thought of another man becoming a permanent fixture in our lives made my stomach twist into knots. I forced a fake smile, trying to convince myself to be happy for her, but it felt like a betrayal to my own feelings.

"Hello, young lady," Dr. Mrs. Eke called out, her voice piercing through the haze of my daydream. I snapped back to attention, my eyes darting around the room to confirm that I was indeed the one she was addressing.

"Yes, you, behind the guy on yellow," Dr. Mrs. Eke confirmed.

Well, yes. There was indeed a guy on yellow in front of me. I looked at the lecturer.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied, knowing I'd been caught.

"You're chewing gum in my class," she stated, her voice firm. "Class, what did I say about chewing gum in my class?" she asked, looking around the room.

In unison, the nut heads called my course mates chimed in, "It's unacceptable!" The chorus of the voices made me feel embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, ma'am," I apologized, quickly removing the gum from my mouth and holding it awkwardly in my hand. The class continued, with Dr. Mrs. Eke turning back to the lecture at hand, while I breathed a sigh of relief at having dodged a bigger reprimand.

"Hey, you're okay?" Brenda asked, concern etched on her face. I nodded reassuringly, grateful for her empathy. Brenda was more than just my roommate; she was also my course mate and a trusted friend. We'd met at university and had quickly formed a strong bond, supporting each other through the ups and downs of student life.

She was fair and pretty, with a radiant complexion and a bright smile that could light up a room. Brenda was the kind of person who effortlessly exuded warmth and charm, making her instantly lovable to everyone around her. Her sparkling eyes and lively demeanor only added to her natural beauty, making her a joy to be around.

As we finally emerged from our last class, Brenda exclaimed, "Geez, I thought I was going to pass out! I'm so exhausted!"

She skipped down the stairs of the lecture hall with her usual energy, despite her fatigue.

I chuckled and replied, "Same here, I'm beat!" We both let out a sigh of relief, happy to have made it through the long day of classes.

We started university just a month ago, so we were still finding our footing as freshers. The campus was still a bit of a maze, and we were still getting used to the routine. But despite the occasional wrong turn or missed lecture, we were excited to be navigating this new chapter of our lives together.

We stepped out into the bright sunlight, I squinted and felt the warmth on my skin. Brenda, with her petite frame and delicate features, looked up at me with a comical expression, shielding her face from the sun with her small hands.

"Oh my god, I'm so getting an umbrella!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with drama.

I chuckled and gazed down at her to get a view of her face properly. Yes, I always stand out in the crowd, literally.

My height was a defining feature, and I towered over most girls and even some guys. I was used to being the tall one in the room, and it had become a part of my identity. Brenda, on the other hand, was petite and compact, making our friendship a charming contrast of opposites.

The walk home was a breeze, thanks to our hostel's proximity to the university. As we approached our room on the first floor, the thumping music grew louder, echoing from Room 214. I raised an eyebrow and let out a sigh. Great, the bitch is home. I thought, my eyes rolling in amusement.

I swung open the door, the music hit us like a sonic boom, threatening to shatter our eardrums. And there she was, Miracle - my eccentric best friend - grooving to the beat while ironing of all things! I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

"Mira!" I called out, my voice laced with amusement and a hint of skepticism. Her wild, golden-tinted afro hair bounced with each move, and her ripped jeans and faded black tee seemed to be her signature uniform. But what really caught my attention was the iron in her hand, something that she normally wouldn't do. Something was definitely up.

She flashed a radiant grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Bitch!!" she exclaimed, embracing the term with gusto.

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the sight of her ironing away. "What the fuck are you doing, Mira?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me. I tossed my tote bag onto my bed and collapsed onto the mattress, letting out a sigh of relief after a long day. The softness of the bed enveloped me, and I closed my eyes, ready to unwind.

"I'm ironing, duh," she said, her tone playful.

I shot her a skeptical look, and she responded with a smirk.

"Yeah, and I'm blind," I said, implying that I could see the obvious, but what I really meant was, 'Why on earth are you ironing?'

Brenda burst out laughing at my sass while Mira tossed the cloth she was ironing at me, making me and Brenda laugh even more.

Mira smirked. "I'm going on a date."

I paused.

And laughed.

Then stopped laughing when she didn't join me.

"Wait, you're serious?" I asked, my voice laced with disbelief.

Mira nodded. "Yeah, I'm serious. Remember that guy I told you about, the one who asked for my number so I could send him the link to our group assignment's WhatsApp chat?"

Brenda and I nodded in unison, our heads bobbing up and down like lizards.

Mira continued, her words spilling out in a rush. "So, he texted me and we've been chatting online since then. And get this - my lecture got cancelled today, so he asked me to meet him at Renny's this evening!" Renny's was the go-to spot for students.

Brenda let out a high-pitched squeal, her eyes shining with delight. "Aw, that's so cute!" she cooed, her voice dripping with excitement.

I playfully rolled my eyes, feigning indignation. "Mira, I can't believe you're getting a man before me!!" I whined, my tone laced with mock jealousy.

"That's right!" Mira exclaimed, her voice dripping with triumph. "Brenda is taken, I'm soon to be taken, and you're siiiingle!" she teased, her words hanging in the air like a playful jab.

She and Brenda burst out laughing, their giggles echoing through the room. I watched them with an amused smile, feeling a tiny pang of oppression creeping up on me.

"Okay, okay! I'm getting myself a man too, you'll see!" I declared, trying to sound convincing despite my lack of intention. The truth was, my last relationship had been a disaster - a messy, emotional rollercoaster that I wasn't eager to repeat anytime soon.

"Have fun, girl!" I called out to Mira as I headed to the bathroom, the sound of their giggles and chatter fading into the background. I closed the door behind me and began to prepare my bath, the warm water and soothing suds a welcome respite from the chaos of the day. As I sank into the tub, I couldn't help but think about him...


Sweet Flames✔️(Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt