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Brenda looked uncertain. "Maybe you should listen to what he has to say first?" She asked.

"What else does he have to say?"

"I agree with Brenda." Mira said. And that was how I found myself standing outside with Clyde.

"What do you have to say?" I asked him.

He turned to face me. "You misunderstood the whole thing."

I gave him a skeptical look. "What? You don't have a fiancée?"

"I did but it was purely business. Our parents betrothed us when we were little so that their businesses would be merged and also become stronger. Jane has always been like a sister to me as we grew up together so I tried to call off the engagement so many times but it was never possible."

I stared at him aghast.

"My father either threatened to disown me or stop helping with my education and I always consented. That was until I met you, when I met you I knew I had to man up. I threw my savings into many investments, I wanted to be able to take care of you. I never knew Jane would reach out to you."

"You should have told me." I said as tears slipped from my eyes.

"I know I made a mistake, I should have. But I'm free now, I called off my engagement. My father is pissed but I'm well off now. I can take care of you now. I promise to never hurt you, never hide anything from you again..."

I shook my head but more tears came out of my eyes. "We still can't be together. We hurt Brenda really bad, I barely managed to fix things back. I don't want to tear them apart anymore. Good bye Clyde." It felt so painful to sever Clyde out of my life, my heart throbbed.

As I turned and walked away I swear I saw a tear in Clyde's eyes.

I was sobbing when I went upstairs. Mira and Brenda kept asking what was wrong. I told them everything.

We were all sober. "So we misunderstood all these time." Mira said.

"I hope you're not turning him down because of me."

I shook my head. Brenda sighed and sat beside me taking my hand into her hands. "You know I never really loved Clyde, I just liked him because he was hot. I was just angry because you didn't tell me anything maybe because I was not your best friend or something."

"Don't say that."

"Well then don't let me stand between you and your man." She said smiling.

"Are you really okay with it?"

"Yes dummy."


I opened the door and ran down the stairs hoping that Clyde had not driven off. He was about entering his car when I came out.

"Clyde..." I called.

He turned back, I walked up to him. I was so nervous.

"Does your offer still stand?"

He looked confused.

"Your offer of taking care of me, never hurting me, and never hiding anything from me."

He looked hopeful. "Are you...?"

"Yes boyfriend."

I laughed in surprise when he hugged me tightly swirling me around. I felt giddy.

I heard giggles from behind the gate. I laughed. "Come out you gossips."

Brenda and Mira came out smiling. I was so happy surrounded by people I loved.

I know in the future we're going to fight, stop talking to each other and face a lot of setbacks. Such is life.

It doesn't matter as long as we overcome. Together.


Sweet Flames✔️(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now