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The opening beats of "Bring It Back" by Travis Porter blasted through the speakers, and Mira and I were instantly transported back to our secondary school days. We grabbed each other's hands, screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs, our voices hoarse from the sheer intensity of our rapping.

Brenda watched us with a grin, laughing at our unbridled enthusiasm. This song had been our anthem, our go-to jam, and we knew every word by heart. The memories came flooding back – late-night sleepovers, school dances, and endless sing-alongs. We were living our best lives, and the music was taking us higher!

Run hit that pussy like a crash dummy
Bend it over, touch ya toes
Shake that ass for me
Bounce that ass on the floor, bring it back up
Hit a split on the dick, shawty act up
Now bring it back
Bring it back
Bring it back

Mira jumped up, her body surrendering to the infectious beat, and began twerking like a pro! Her hips swiveled, her ass shaking in perfect sync with the music, and I was completely mesmerized.

"Go girl!" I screamed completely high, my voice hoarse from cheering, as I stumbled to my feet, dancing alongside her. Brenda was pretty out of it also, her giggles turning into uncontrollable laughter, her eyes shining with a glazed-over gleam.

As the final notes of the song faded away, Mira collapsed back into her seat, her face glistening with sweat, and demanded another shot from David.

Just as we were all catching our breath, Brenda slammed her hand on the bar, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint. "Hey guys, I need to tell you something!" she yelled, her voice piercing through the din of the bar.

"What is it?" I asked, my curiosity piqued, as Mira leaned in closer.

Brenda's eyes darted around the bar, ensuring no prying ears were nearby, before she leaned in, her voice barely above a whisper. "Guys, I need to confess something... Clyde and I have been together for almost three months, but we still haven't... you know."

Mira's eyes widened in shock, her gasp audible. "What? Why not?" she asked, her voice laced with concern. Brenda's eyes dropped, her voice cracking.

"I don't know... I feel like he's just not attracted to me."

The revelation hit me like a punch to the gut. I felt my stomach churn, the alcohol and shock combining in a toxic mix. My mind raced with thoughts, trying to process what Brenda had just shared.

I downed another shot, trying to process Brenda's revelation.

"Why would you think that, girl? You're absolutely stunning!" Mira chimed in.

Brenda flashed a brief, wry smile. "I know I'm hot, but that's not the point." Her expression crumpled, and she let out a heart-wrenching wail. "It's just... I can't shake the feeling that there's someone else on his mind. He always seems distant, like he's a million miles away, even when we're intimate or trying to be. And then he... finishes too quickly, like he's thinking of someone else." Her words trailed off, and her body shook with sobs.

"You're overthinking it again, Brenda," I said, trying to sound reassuring, but my words felt hollow even as I spoke them.

"I guess," she murmured, her voice barely audible, before her head slumped forward and hit the table with a soft thud.

"Shit, Brenda, are you okay?" I exclaimed, trying to rouse her, but she was already out.

I turned to Mira, my eyes wide with concern. "I think she's passed out!"

Mira rolled her eyes."She's sleeping, I'm going to go dance." And with that, she abandoned us, leaving me alone with Brenda.

I signaled for another round of shots, my mind racing with a devious plan. That two-timing jerk, Clyde, was going down!

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