His family

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Shit shit I'm late !!!!

A figure was mumbling while entering his car. He started driving fastly towards his home .it's already near midnight ,his babies must have been waited for him ,after all he promised them he will spend time with them.

But that stupid boss kept him with unnecessary work ,he knows that guy has an interest towards him.
If he was not in need for this job,he would have already left.

He parked the car infront of his small home and took out his key to open the door .He switched on the light to saw the sight of his two babies sleeping on the couch waiting for him .

He slowly towards walked towards them and give them peck towards their foreheads.

"Hia?!!" The sleepy teenager mumbled confusingly while opening his half closed eyes.

"Yeah mac it's hia,come on get up and go to sleep in the room other wise your neck will hurt in the morning ".

Humming and whining the young guy get up look beside to the baby beside him and complained.

"You promised to come early today ,it's our tradition for Friday night ,me and baby waited forever "

"M sorry mac ,hia got some extra work and couldn't left early but you know what tommorrow is weekend ,we will spend the whole day together doing what my both babies want "

"M not a baby hia,already 19" he pouted (yeah what a big man ).

"You will always be my big baby ,now come on go to sleep ,I will put ven to crib".patting his head I took My other baby to my room .

Laying him down to my his small bed on his big bed ,he layed him down .After 3 months he will turn 3 ,he can still remember the new born baby covered in blood in my hand .

Putting two pillows on his each side ,he picked his towel and clothes to shower.

Standing infront of the mirror he can't help but think about the past

It has been two years,he escaped from the hell hole ,time sure flies fast ,his hair is longer now ,he looks more glowing .But the scars it's still remains .

Frowning to himself ,he showered faster and changed to his clothes and quickly exit the bathroom to join his baby .

His heart awed when his baby snuggled to his warmth when layed beside him .

Suddenly the bedroom door opened slowly and entered macau with a pillow and blanket .

"Mac haven't you slept yet ?"instead or answering that bigbaby went to the other side of the bed and climbed inside ,cuddled to his other side.
"Wanna sleep  with hia" mumbled his brother to his chest.

"Ohh somebody said they are not a baby anymore ,now big man want to  cuddle ".


"Shh Shh don't shout Venice will wake up ,besides i was only teasing you ,you can always sleep here ".

Humming mac immediately fell asleep .

Looking to his left and right his heart filled with so much warmth .
He will do anything for them and will not let anyone take them from him .

They are his babies

His life

His family

Yes ,vegas family ,his peace .


I love this guy ,how come he gets prettier and handsome day by day

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I love this guy ,how come he gets prettier and handsome day by day
...my heart can't take it ..🥺🥰

Well apart  from the simping ,the plot is not from kp world ,I only took the names
.. enjoy the story My dearies

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